《太空堡垒: 战斗呐喊》游戏原声唱片

Robotech Battlecry
Exclusive Game Soundtrack

出版年份: 2002
出版商: TDK Mediactive
标号: 无
唱片长度: 43'51"
音轨数: 19


    这张Robotech: Battlecry的游戏原声音乐CD并不在市场上零售, 它仅作为《太空堡垒:战斗呐喊》游戏珍藏版的一个附件而出售, 其中的音乐由Barry Fasman和John O'Kennedy制作, 改编并录制.
    这张CD中的音乐有相当多的部分是根据太空堡垒TV原片中的音乐改编而来, 风格则更加电子化.



01 - Robotech Main Theme: Battlecry Remix

Inspired by Alien Attack
02 - Countdown
03 - Force of Arms
04 - Bursting Point

Inspired by Battle Stations
05 - Dark Skies
06 - Destroids in Danger
07 - Boobytrap

Inspired by Roy Fokker's Theme
08 - Ambush Hills
09 - Rebel Revenge
10 - Call to Arms

Inspired by Rick Hunter's Theme
11 - Hostage Crisis
12 - Trail By Fire
13 - Daring Rescue

Inspired by the SDF-1 Theme
14 - Graveyard
15 - Warpath
16 - Lightning Strike

Inspired by the Zentraedi Theme
17 - Showdown
18 - Welcome to Zen City
19 - To The Death

