太空堡垒: 绘本小说


翻译: 水弓 校对: kiki

各位手中的这本Robotech漫画版小说是近 22个月来创作的完美结果. 对那些不熟悉Robotech的人们, 形容它的最好方法是, 这是一部科幻故事的精品. 以金和声公司制作并向全世界发行的动画电视连续剧为基础的Robotech已逐渐成为美国通俗文化的一部分. 画面来源于日本出品的三部互相无关的动画系列, 金和声和Intersound公司旗下的创作小组所创作的这部错综复杂的"肥皂剧", 描述了三代地球人抵抗来自银河深处的外星侵略, 前赴后继保卫地球的故事. 正是机器人技术, 史前能量, 生物遗传学, 变形机甲, 克隆人首领, 起源坑, 模拟代理, 器官融合以及神秘的因维生命之花等概念, 造就了全新的Robotech系列的神话传奇.
Robotech的巨大成功决定了所谓"后续故事"的诞生. Robotech情节中许多"开放式结局"都将在多种媒介上作出解释. 其中一些将在片名极为简单的剧场版Robotech: The Movie中详细介绍. 而原作系列的续集Robotech II: 哨兵则展现了Robotech传说的另外一面. 《哨兵》的故事聚焦于Robotech远征军前往机器人统治者母星的任务上. 瑞克·卡特、丽沙·海斯、斯特林夫妇、埃米尔·朗博士、林明美, 以及其他第一次宇宙大战中幸存下来的天顶星人和Robotech防御军的人物, 他们的生活和爱情也是故事的重头戏. 《哨兵》里还描写了T.R.爱德华上校对权力的极度渴望, 这一点在这本漫画小说Genesis: Robotech中也可略见端倪.
这本漫画小说的情节披露了Robotech神话的许多史前事件:决定SDF-1出现的前因后果, 原始佐尔生命里的最后时日, 福克的早期军旅生涯, 以及他的夙敌T.R.爱德华上校, 等等这些不为人知的故事都将在Genesis: Robotech中详述. 本书也描绘了地球联合政府首次探测这艘外星飞船的神秘遗迹的场景 - 这艘坠毁在南太平洋小岛上的外星战舰将最终改变人类历史的进程. 这是Robotech世界无穷延续的起始点, 正因为Comico 公司是首家金和声授权使用Robotech的公司, 由Comico来演绎这段传说十分合适.
整本漫画小说是全新的. 它承袭Robotech的原作故事, 同时弥补了原作许多空白与含糊的地方. Mike Baron, Neil Vokes, 还有Ken Steacy, 他们以极大的热情和积极性参与了使Robotech新理念诞生的工作, 是非常值得赞扬的一群人. 这并不是故事的终结, Robotech保卫者们的历险还将在小说, 漫画, 电影, 电视系列中继续. 最好的还在后面呢.

西好莱坞, CA


The Robotech Graphic Novel that you hold in your hands is the culmination of a process of creation which spans nearly 22 months. For those of you not familiar with Robotech, the best way to describe it is as a phenomenon in terms of science fiction storytelling. With its roots in an animated television series produced and syndicated around the world by Harmony Gold, Robotech has gone on to become a part of American popular culture. Drawing from a cycle of unrelated animation originally produced in Japan, the creative team assembled by Harmony Gold and Intersound Inc.set out to create a complex "soap opera" which details the efforts of three generations of humans as they attempt to save their planet from the threats of inter-galactic conquest. Concepts such as Robotechnology, Protoculture, biogenetic engineering, transformable mecha, clone masters, genesis pits, simulagents, organic fusion and the mystery of the Invid Flower of Life all contributed to the mythology of the orignial Robotech series.
The success of Robotech has demanded, in fact necessitated, the creation of what is known as "the back story". Many of the "loose ends" of the plot of Robotech will be explained in various media. Some of the story will be detailed in a feature film entitled, simply enough, Robotech: The Movie. Other aspects of the Robotech legend will be explored in the sequel to the original series, Robotech II: The Sentinels. In this animated serial, the action focuses on the Robotech Expeditionary Force's mission to travel to the homeworld of the Robotech Masters. The lives and loves of Rick Hunter, Lisa Hayes, Max and Miriya Sterling, Dr.Emil Lang, and Lynn Minmei, as well as the other survivors of the final battle between the Zentraedi and the Robotech Defense Force,is the focus of the story. The Sentinels also tells the story of the hunger for power sought by Col.T.R.Edwards. Which brings us in a roundabout way to the plot of this graphic novel, Genesis: Robotech.
The plot of the graphic novel clears up many points in the pre-history of the Robotech mythology. It tells the story of the decisions which led to the appearance of the SDF-1. It tells of the final days of Zor. It also functions as an untold story which deals with the early career of Roy Fokker and his archenemy, Colonel T.R. Edwards. Genesis: Robotech tells the story of the first mission of the United Earth Government into the mysterious smouldering ruins of an alien ship--a ship which crashed onto a tiny island in the south Pacific and would eventually change the course of human history. It is the first step in the continuing development of the Robotech Universe and it seems fitting that Comico, Harmony Gold's first Robotech licensee, should present the tale.
The graphic novel is all new. It draws upon the original story of Robotech and fills in many gaps and gray areas. Mike Baron, Neil Vokes, and Ken Steacy should be commended for their loving attention to detail and their willingness to participate in the birth of new Robotech concepts. This is not the end of the story. The adventures of the Robotech defenders will continue in novels, comics, movies and televison series. The best is yet to come.

Carl Macek
West Hollywood, CA

