——摘自(作者Carl Macek)
1. 我假设所谓“过多的衍生”只是 invid人的看法。(”more volved???)
2. 从动画中我们可以看到:少量的芽孢对人类并无致命的危险,而只不过引起 symbolically-driven
prescient dreams(my gooood,不知道这是什么)。
3. 在“invid人的入侵”和“沙尘暴”关于potera的场景中,传粉者看来不象我们所见到的那种生命形态(言下之意在哪见过),或者可说根本象invid人????(不理解)。可能由于optera生物圈的有机体变程(应指有机体的存在形态上的差异范围或变动范围)在形态学上极为不同,结果,我们所见到的这个星球不象是invid人的家乡(又不懂了)。此外,invid人与生命之花的共生性是纯粹的寄生关系。Invid人自己就是天生的传粉者,而cha-cha只不过是基因工程的仿invid生物。
再看看 Waltrips的“创世纪---zor的传说”,里面透露了这些似乎于预置于我脑中的想法。
4. 对于除了“摄政者”以外的所有invid人都转化了的说法,我发现并不可信。相反,我把孔武的武士种性置于invid人的社会结构中,他们是“蜂巢”(?)食物供给短缺的生物反应的产物。在zor到来之前,optera一片繁荣,因而,大多数武士种姓很早就退化了,直到invid人感到失去了生命之花才使他们转移(也许是指生物上的变异),这又一次依靠了他们可靠的洞察力。此外,这不同与一般认为的但却是错误的关于进化的看法---既进化是以线性从低级形态到高级形态演进。但是,生物学家说了,这是rubbish。
原 文
Here's an old document I dug up on the subject,
wherein I quote some of Macek's remarks on the subject and add a few speculations
of my own...
From _Genesis: Robotech_ by Mike Baron (w/ Carl
Macek), page 2:
Zor: But look at these seeds! The miracle of clean
energy -- it never fails to astound me. How each seed strives to divide
-- but when placed in a pressurized chamber, is arrested in mid-division...
so long as the pressure is precisely maintained, the seed radiates heat,
which we ultimately convert to energy. I have always thought this too
great a gift to squander on war.
From _Robotech Art 3_ by Carl Macek, page 143:
"The Flower of Life is a unique plant which was
native to the planet Optera - the homeworld of the Invid. It is the most
important item in the food chain of the Invid - The fruit of the Flower
of Life is the only food which can give strength to the Invid. But the
Flower of Life's importance goes beyond the obvious. It not only serves
as physical nourishment for the Invid - it also serves as a means of psychic
enlightment. Eating the fruit of the Flower of Life becomes a religious
experience for the Invid. It is a plant with mystical powers and the more
fruit which is consumed, the more enlightened or evolved an Invid can
become (1). The Invid do not need to constantly eat this food for life
support - the Invid can live with little food - most of their nourishment
comes from living most of their life in a solution made from the actual
plant material of matured specimens of the Flower of Life. Once the plant
is not able to bear fruit, the plant is mashed up and distilled into a
liquid which the Invid bathe and travel in. The Fruit of the Flower of
Life is poisonous to all but the Invid (2). The plants are germinated
by pollinators known as either Cha-Cha or "the children of Zor," small
creatures which are also native to Optera (3).
The germinating seeds of the Flower of Life are
also the basis of a power source known as protoculture which is the basic
energy system of a technology known as Robotechnology. A scientist calling
himself Zor discovered the unique property of the Flower of Life on an
expedition originating from the only populated moon of the planet Fantoma.
Zor's people were a race of techno-voyagers. The lifestyle of these intelligent
space voyagers was simply to gather up the technology and resources of
surrounding planets and exploit it for their own use. Zor's discovery
of "organic fusion" which took place in germinating seeds from the Flower
of Life when held in a complex matrix of fluids formed the basis of the
protoculture explosion. News of this discovery caused his elders to order
the complete defoliation of Optera - the only place in which the Flower
of Life could be found. Zor was ordered to gather up all the fruitful
plants he could find on Optera and destroy the rest of the plant life
on the planet. The Invid who initially welcomed the techno-voyagers were
left with nothing. Deprived of the special fruit of the flower of life,
the Invid began to degenerate into hollow approximations of their true
evolved selves. The only Invid who retained any modest visage of the original
grandeur of Invid society is the Regent. All of the other Invid became
grossly mutated (4). The lifestyle of the Invid changed radically. They
turned from a relatively peaceful race to a race of warriors bent on exacting
revenge on those responsible for taking their precious Flower of Life
from them [...].
Zor also took with him the pollinators. He kept
their function a secret from his masters. It was his trump card.
(1) I qualify this by assuming that this "more
evolved" is from the Invid's perspective.
(2) But it's clear from the show that the spores
- in small quantities - are not fatal to humans, but cause symbolically-driven
prescient dreams.
(3) We some scenes from Optera in "The Invid Invasion"
and "Sandstorms", and the pollinators look nothing like the lifeforms
we see there, or at all like the Invid. While a biosphere may have a range
of organisms of wildly differing morphologies, Optera - what we see of
it - simply doesn't look like their homeworld. Furthermore, we are told
that the Invid have a symbiotic relationship with the flower - but the
above relationship is purely parasitic. By making the Invid themselves
the indigenous pollinator, and the Cha-Cha genengineered artificial Invid,
I think I have addressed both concerns. Although I have long thought that
this was my own idea, review of the Waltrips' comic "Robotech: Genesis
- The Legend of Zor" revealed that this notion predated my thoughts on
the subject (and probably planted the germ in my head). Since the Waltrips
generally are dependent on the McKinney novels, it is likely that this
first appears in the novels.
(4) I didn't really find this credible - that
all Invid devolved but the Regent. Instead, I added the dim-witted Warrior
caste to the Invid social structure I hypothesize, who exist as a biological
response to shortages of a hive's food supply. Because of the prosperity
on Optera before Zor arrived, the Warrior caste had been mostly unheard
of for millenia - so the Invid perceived that the loss of the Flower made
them devolve, again, would be true from their own perspective. Furthermore,
it gets away from the popularly fallacious notion of evolution - that
evolution is a linear chain going from worse ("less evolved") to better
("more evolved") forms of life. As any biologist can tell you, this is
rubbish. The Regis may believe in it, but we shouldn't.
From all this, I developed my earliest speculations:
Protoculture is the energy derived from the heat
given off by the seeds of the Flower of Life when prevented from reproducing
by pressure. The energy is produced by a process of cold fusion, when
a Lithium and Deuterium rich solution permiates the seeds and their environs.
A protein chain within the seeds themselves can squeeze the Lithium-6
and Deuterium atoms in close proximity, and being both Bosons, are not
affected by the effective repulsion of the Pauli principle - only electrostatic
barriers to fusion need be overcome. This solution, which also includes
a number of nutrients to keep the seeds alive, is called the protoculture
As seeds do this, they damage themselves and deplete
their stores of Deuterium and lithium. If you want to get a lot of energy
out of the seeds, but don't care how long they last, you make a really
rich solution and ramp up the pressure. We call these protoculture cell
- and by the time you've gotten all the energy out of them you can, the
seeds are dead.
If you want a slow continuous source of energy,
you constantly pump in a less rich solution under more mild pressure conditions
- and this is a protoculture generator. The problem with generators is
that eventually the fuel solution becomes rather rich in carbon from the
fusion, and the seed has enough food to germinate into the flower - hence
the flower is 'consuming' the matrix. The problem is, without the Invid
or Pollenators to make the new plants sprouting from the containment vessels
fertile, the plants are useless for energy generation. All they are, as
far as the Masters are concerned, are infertile, parasitic plants, useless
for energy. Without a means to make plants fertile to produce new seeds,
you want to keep the seeds you have lasting as long as you can.
