The Sentinels Script
Episode 2 A New Threat
Scene 1: [Starts in outer space, camera pans down to reveal the moon. The Earth can be seen in the background. The Moon and the Earth are both on cels and move as the camera trucks into the Earth.]
[Cross Dissolve to:]
Scene 2: [Full painting of Earth as a background. Stars twinkle around the planet. Camera follows through with truck movement.]
[Cross Dissolve to:]
Scene 3: [Closer image of the planet with the continents of North America easily visible. Camera follows through with truck movement.]
[Cross Dissolve to:]
Scene 4: [Aerial shot of a definite landscape (the main city seen in Southern Cross). Clouds move aside to allow camera to move through as the truck movement continues.1
[Cross Dissolve to:]
Scene 5: [Shuttle launch pad as seen in Southern Cross. The truck movement continues.]
Scene 6: [Space shuttle seen in far left frame with control room near center frame. The camera truck movement continues.]
Scene 7: [Interior Air traffic control room. Monitors indicate launch is about to enter final countdown.]
Technician A:
Shuttle Launch Ready for take-off in T-minus five minutes and counting.
Scene 8: [Corridor Interior. Rick Hunter is exiting in foreground and the audience does not get to see him fully. He is followed by Lisa Hayes, Max, Miriya, Dr, Lang and Exedore. Dr. Lang is rushing to catch up with Lisa.]
Dr. Lang: Wait.. Lisa.. .May I have a word with you?
Lisa: What is it, Dr. Lang?
Scene 9: [Close up of Dr. Lang and Lisa. He asks why Rick is in such a hurry.]
Dr. Lang: It's about Rick.. he's acting a little strange, don't you think?
[Cross Dissolve to:]
Scene 10: [Corridor Interior. Camera pans along as Lisa talks to Dr, Lang. She finishes and moves out of frame. Lang stops and the camera stops. The rest of the group passes by Lang.]
Lisa: This is an important day for all of us, especially Rick. The culmination of nine hard years of intensive work to rebuild the SDF-3.
Dr. Lang: I know all that¼ but nevertheless, Rick seems unusually edgy.
Lisa: Maybe it's the wedding?
Scene 11: [Reverse angle of corridor. Vince Grant rushes to catch up with Dr. Lang.]
Vince Grant (Mouth not seen): Dr. Lang... Dr. Lang.. Could I speak to you for a moment?
Dr. Lang: (stops walking and turns toward Vince)
Yes, what is it, Vince?
Scene 12: [Reverse angle from previous shot. Traveling shot as Vince talks to Dr. Lang. They hurry and exit the frame.]
Vince Grant: Well, it's about Major General Hunter. He's acting so strange. My wife, Jean, said that he didn't say a word during his medical examination.
Dr. Lang: (stumbling for an answer) It's an important day for Rick. The culmination of years of hard work on the SDF-3...
Scene 13: [Medium Close on Vince and Dr. Lang. They are talking as they walk towards the camera about the fact that Dr. Lang has been chosen to head the mission. They walk out of frame.]
Dr. Lang: (on cut)
And besides, a man has a lot to think about on the day before he's about to get married to an Admiral of the Robotech Defense Force.
Scene 14: [Shuttle launch.]
[Cross Dissolve to:]
[Utilize the original Tatsunoko storyboard design with some exceptions as noted below.]
[Scenes 15-19 not in script book]
Scene 20: [Be sure to keep Rick Hunter in shadow. Do not reveal his face. ..this will be saved for a dramatic moment.]
Col. Wolff: (off screen)
I just hope you're right Exedore. The whole idea of turning the SDF-3 into 'The Trojan Horse’ is certainly an odd strategy.
Scene 21:
Exedore: (off-screen)
We have had much time to study Earth's tactical history, and this strategy seemed rather appropriate.
Scene 22: [Different field size or different staging of characters to keep Rick's face obscured.]
Exedore: I'm sure you agree, Major General Hunter?
Rick Hunter: To be honest, I really haven't given it much thought lately.
Scene 23: [Same comment as above. Keep Rick's face obscure.]
Dr. Lang:
As the commander of the military division of the Robotech Expeditionary Force you might agree that this is something you should be thinking about. There is always the potential for war with the Robotech Masters.
Scene 24: [Close on Dr. Lang. He tries not to show his excitement.]
Dr. Lang:I hope we can settle our differences peacefully. But we need a plan in case diplomacy fails.
Scene 25: [Medium shot of Col. Wolfe and an unnamed officer.]
Col. Wolfe:
Look at it this way, Dr. Lang.. the SDF-3 looks more like a Zentraedi ship now then the day we found it back on the island some 20 years ago.
Scene 26: [Medium shot of Exedore and Col. Wolfe (matching shot with Wolfe turning to respond to Exedore's comments).]
I wouldn't say it looks more Zentraedi, but your engineers have created an interesting facsimile.
Scene 27: [Close up on Vince Grant. Camera pans down to reveal Rick Hunter who is still in shadows. Hunter comments.]
Vince Grant:
I just wish that Claudia and Roy had lived to see this day...
Rick Hunter: (Mouth not shown hidden by shadows in the background) We can't live in the past, Vince. We all miss your sister...
[Incorporate original Tatsunoko storyboard panels with minor exceptions as noted below:]
Scene 28: [Breetai is replaced by Col. Wolff.]
Rick Hunter: (off-screen with great sadness)
And Roy was like a brother to me.
Max Sterling:
Hey, aren't we forgetting something? We've got to give our pal the greatest "bachelor party" in the history of the RDF!
Col. Wolf:
But there's no civilian sector on the Repair Station. Or have you forgotten?
Scene 29: [Keep Rick Hunter in shadows.]
Max Sterling:
I guess you're right, I did forget. I was just trying to lighten things up a bit.
[The group begins to laugh. This laughter carries over into scene 30 as the scene shows the shuttle approaching the Robotech Repair Station.]
Scene 31: [Another angle similar to scene 28 with Breetai is replaced by Col. Wolff.]
Scene 32: [Keep Rick Hunter in shadows.]
Let's be serious just for a moment. Breetai has been supervising the reconstruction of the SDF-3.
Dr. Lang: (off-screen)
I just hope the Robotech Masters will be fooled by our little masquerade.
Col. Wolff: (turning to react to Dr. Lang's comment)
Why wouldn't they?
Rick Hunter: (off-screen)
It's all moot until we get to the homeworld of the Robotech Masters. Let's face it.
Scene 33:
[Medium shot of the group sitting around the table. Rick Hunter in the extreme background. The camera begins to truck into a tight close up of his face which is finally revealed!]
Rick Hunter: (continuing)
And even if we do make it into hyperspace, there's no guarantee that we'll come out where we want to be. We are about to embark on a trip into the unknown. A trip to meet our destiny head on. A trip to face a new threat. I just hope that we are prepared.
[Then the image fades to black. Then a quick fade up to:]
Scene 34: [Interior of Lisa's private compartment. Lisa is applying make-up in front of a vanity. Jean Grant, Miriya Sterling and their children enter the room. Jean leans over to Miriya.)
Jean Grant: (as she enters Lisa Hayes' room)
Remember, Dana, a girl has always got to be prepared for any occasion. That's why she keeps so much make-up in her purse.
Scene 35: [Close up as Jean whispers into Miriya's ear.]
Jean Grant: (whispering to Miriya Sterling)
I just said that to see if our brave admiral was listening.
Miriya Sterling: (smiling)
From the lack of any sort of reaction you got from Lisa.
Scene 36: [Close on Lisa's face as she applies lipstick.]
Miriya Sterling: (continuing off-screen)
I don't think that the valiant Admiral Hayes heard a word you were saying.
Scene 37: [Medium shot of Dana. She is asking why Jean is telling secrets.]
Jean Grant:
She does have a lot on her mind. Getting married to one of Earth's most famous heroes isn't something a woman can look forward to every day.
Dana Sterling: (loudly)
Why is everyone whispering. Aunt Lisa's marriage to Uncle Rick isn't secret?
[Repeat Scene 36: Repeat of the scene now Lisa smiles a broad smile.]
Dana Sterling (cont. off-screen)
Or is it?
[Lisa chuckles to herself after hearing what Dana had to say.]
Scene 38: [The girls enter the room and move over to the couch.]
Lisa Hayes: (mouth seen at a distance)
Now that you're here, why don't you all come in and sit down.
Miriya Sterling:
Thanks. We were beginning to think that you were in another world!
Jean Grant:
Lost in dreams is more like it.
Lisa Hayes:
I'm sorry to disappoint you two, but I think I can keep my feet on the ground during all this.
Scene 39: [Matching shot close up of Lisa as she speaks about the upcoming wedding.]
Miriya Sterling:
Lisa, this is no time to be serious. This is a time to throw the rule books away and be a woman!
[Pan right to Jean Grant who also comments about how she wishes Claudia Grant, her sister-in-law, could have lived to see this wedding.]
Jean Grant:
Miriya's right. You'll have plenty of time to keep your feet on the ground later. Listen, missy, if you don't kick up your heels now, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!
Scene 40: [Reverse low angle on Lisa. The girls can been seen on the couch in the background. Lisa gives a bittersweet smile remembering Claudia and saying that she knows Claudia is watching. She gets up and exits the frame.]
Lisa Hayes: (she laughs as she kicks up her leg in a dramatic gesture to get up from the chair.)
Well, Dr. Grant, is this high enough for you?!
[The other women laugh as Lisa exits the frame.]
Scene 41: [Lisa walks over to her "trousseau" and opens it. She starts rummaging around her clothes.]
Lisa Hayes:
It's not much of a trousseau, still... just between friends, I think I should be able to get through the honeymoon.
[Jean Grant enters the frame and grabs Lisa's hand.]
Jean Grant:
Let's take a look at that engagement ring.
Scene 42: [Matching shot close up as Jean inspects Lisa's engagement ring.]
Lisa Hayes:
Is that an order, Dr. Grant? Here, take a look, nosey!
Jean Grant: (studying the ring on her finger)
Rick sure has good taste in jewelry.
Scene 43: [Dana and Bowie are wrestling around, trying to act sophisticated and adult .1
Dana Sterling:
What's all the fuss about getting married anyway. Aunt Jean is married to Uncle Vince, and mum is married to dad.
[Miriya reprimands them.]
Scene 44: [Close on Dana. She apologizes. Asking why everyone seems so nervous.]
Lisa Hayes: (off-screen)
You see, Dana, I've been engaged to Rick almost as long as you've been alive.
Scene 45:
[Medium shot of the room showing all of the characters.]
Lisa Hayes:
And then one day I realized that I out-ranked him. So I ordered Rick to propose!
Dana Sterling:
I still don't see what all the fuss is about!
(They all laugh!)
[Jean Grant comments that Dana will know about all this soon enough. They all laugh.]
Scene 46: [Interior of Conference room where the men have been sitting since scene #33. Close on Exedore. He is saying that the Robotech Masters are no laughing matter.1
You all act as though we know nothing about the Robotech Masters. You must remember that the Zentraedi served them for many years.
Scene 47: [High angle shot of the conference room.. Exedore gets up and walks around the table to a wall display.]
Exedore: (continuing)
In fact, we were created by them as an experiment in bio-genetic engineering. And as I have told the Robotech Research Center and Dr. Lang repeatedly, the majority of the population on the third Moon of Fantoma... the homeworld of the Robotech Masters.
Scene 48: [Close on Exedore. He begins to tell of the home world of Robotech Masters.]
Exedore: (continuing)
Are not a bad group of people. We may not have to go to war after we have a chance to talk to them and find out what they want.
Scene 49: [Exterior space. Shuttle enters the frame and moves towards and ultimately over the camera.1
Scene 50: [Exterior of Robotech Repair Station (Robotech Factory) camera pans right to reveal docking bay. The shuttle can be seen in the distance as it approaches the giant ship.]
Scene 51: [Interior of Docking Bay. Jack Baker's point of view.)
Scene 52: [Reverse angle shows Jack Baker in close up. Camera pulls back to reveal Jack studying blueprints of complex Robotech mecha.]
Jack Baker: (thinking to himself)
These blueprints make absolutely no sense at all!
[Scenes 53-60 are identical to the original Tatsunoko storyboards. The only difference will be in the dialogue. The information conveyed in these scenes should deal with the fact that Col. Edwards is unhappy about the pending arrival of Rick Hunter and Dr. Lang. His associate tells him to be patient and wait for the right opportunity. Edwards says that it is good advice. if he had his way, Hunter would stay on the Earth. Col. Edwards wants to be in charge of the mission.1
Scene 54:
Aide #1: (mouth not seen)
It appears that the shuttle containing Major General Hunter, Dr. Lang and Admiral Hayes is about to dock at the landing bay, Col. Edwards.
Col. Edwards: (mouth not seen)
Then it won't be long before we see exactly what the famous Rick Hunter is made of.
Scene 55:
Col. Edwards:
If he's anything like his ol' buddy Fokker, then it shouldn't be too hard to put our plan into action.
Aide #1:
How do you figure that?
Scene 56:
Col. Edwards:
Listen, my friend. I've waited a long time for the right opportunity to take control of the military. I've studied every variable.
Scene 57:
Col. Edwards: (continuing mouth not seen)
And if we play our cards right...
Aide #1:
But we still have to deal with the Robotech Masters. And they might prove to be a problem.
Scene 58:
Col. Edwards:
Just leave everything up to me. when the time is right I'll deal with the Robotech Masters or whatever alien force is in our way. But first, we've got to deal with Major General Rick Hunter. That is where you come in. I want you to stick close to him and find out all you can about the way he thinks.. .the way he responds to danger.
Scene 59:
Aide #1: (off screen)
Many people have tried to get the best of Rick Hunter. And most have...
Scene 60:
Col. Edwards: (off screen)
And most have failed!
(Scene 61?) Scene 58: (repeated):
Col. Edwards:
Have faith my friend. I've been a soldier longer than Rick Hunter's been alive. And I'll still be a soldier after Rick Hunter has died. Is that clear?
Scene 63:
Max Sterling:
Remember the last time we were on the Robotech Factory, Rick? Miriya and I tried to explain the facts of life to the Zentraedi.
Rick Hunter:
How could I forget?
Max Sterling:
I'll never forget the look on the faces of those Zentraedi officers when we held our little girl over our heads. It was like they'd never seen a baby before.
Scene 64:
Rick Hunter:
They hadn't seen a baby before, Max!
Max Sterling: (off screen resigned attitude)
Scene 66: [Interior of Docking Bay. Jack Baker is in the foreground. The docked shuttle can be seen moving past him in the background. Jack is still studying his blueprints when he turns following the movement of the shuttle. The camera pans left to follow the shuttle. Jack is out of the picture as the camera follows the shuttle to its ultimate docking bay. In the distant background the SDF-3 can be seen. The doors to the shuttle opens and Rick Hunter and friends begin to exit the small craft. The camera trucks into the field of the shuttle.]
Jack Baker: (Thinking to himself after his reaction to the activity which is taking place behind him)
Wow, that must be Admiral Hayes and Major General Hunter's Shuttle.
[There is assorted techno walla and misc. Background dialogue which is not seen on screen.1
Scene 67: [Medium close on shuttle as the characters exit one by one. We follow the progress of the major characters. Rick, Lisa, Max, Col. Wolfe, Jean and Vince Grant, Dr. Lang and Dana and Bowie who jump down the stairs. The door of the shuttle closes. Passengers disembark from the shuttle]
Vince Grant:
Hey Jean, wait for me!
Jean Grant:
Hurry up, slowpoke!
Dr. Lang: (stopping to take a look at the surroundings)
Impressive isn't it!
Looks a lot different than last time, doesn't it, Max?
Scene 68: [Rick and Vince are admiring the SDF-3. Camera Pans left and trucks into Rick's face. There is the grim determination of a true hero on his face.]
Rick Hunter:
I would never have recognized the ol' girl. It looks so different.
Vince Grant:
It really looks like an alien ship to me. I only hope it will be good enough to fool the Robotech Masters long enough for us to get inside their defenses.
Rick Hunter:
Only time will tell, Vince. Only time will tell.
[Scenes 69-78 is take from original Tatsunoko storyboards. Note the changes in concepts from original. Col. Adams comes to greet Rick Hunter and his party. Col Adams says that his workers have done their best to meet the schedule necessitated by the hyperspace launch window for their journey to Fantoma.]
(Scene 69?)
Dr. Bronson: (This can be anyone of the misc. older characters designed for the REF).
Ahhmm. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Bronson. And this is the newly designed SDF-3
Scene 70:
Dr. Bronson: (off screen)
We think you'll agree that...
Scene 71:
Dr. Bronson: (continuing mouth not seen)
Our people have done a remarkable job of reconstructive engineering. We have completely re-fabricated the ship's entire exoskeleton.
Scene 72:
Max Sterling:
It sure looks great. But can it get us to Fantoma and back in one piece?
[no notes given for scenes 73-78]
Scene 79: [Pan down from the stern of SDF-3. Hunter and his group can be seen in the background. They are talking (voice over) about the dangers of hyper-space travel.]
Exedore: (starts off screen at the beginning pan and eventually reveals Exedore whose mouth movement is not perceptible).
Very informative, Dr. Bronson. However I expected to meet Commander Breetai on our arrival.
Scene 80: [Medium close on Rick and friends. Exedore is not in the shot. Exedore is talking.)
Exedore: (continuing)
If it's all the same to you, I would like to have his opinion about the safety of this vessel during a jump through hyper-space from this location. You all remember...
Scene 81: [Close on Exedore . He gestures broadly trying to explain the details of a hyperspace fold over great distances. He notes that it is better to take short jumps than one big leap.]
What happened the last time the SDF-1 went into hyper~pace?
Scene 82: (Extreme close on Dr. Lang who notes that they have been studying the problem for nearly 15 years.)
That ship took a large chunk of your planet with it into deep space!
Dr. Bronson: (off screen) I assure you that will never happen again!
Scene 83: (Long shot. Rick and the rest say that this is no time to discuss scientific theory. What they want to know is why Breetai has not come to greet them yet.)
Exedore: (mouth not seen)
I won't be satisfied until I get a full report from Commander Breetai.
Dr. Lang:
I agree. This mission is too valuable to leave anything to chance.
Scene 84: [Reverse angle on Rick and friends. Rick says that a Zentraedi as big as Breetai shouldn't be too hard to find in a place like this. They are all looking up as they talk.)
Lisa Hayes:
Someone as big as Breetai shouldn't be too hard to spot in a place like this.
Maybe he forgot that we were coming in at this time? But that's not like Breetai.
Scene 85:
[Close on Miriya Sterling who asks what if he forgot that they were coming.)
Scene 86: [Medium shot of Rick and Lisa. She reacts to the sound of someone approaching. The echoes of the footfalls sound like they could be from a Zentraedi.]
Lisa Hayes:
Wait, I hear him coming...
Rick Hunter:
How can you hear anything with all the racket that's going on in...
Scene 87: [Reverse angle, long shot. Breetai's Point of View. Rick and the rest are looking up for any sign of the Zentraedi (who when last seen was nearly 60 feet tall.) The camera begins to truck into the group moving as though it were from the subjective point of view of the camera operator.]
Dr. Lang: (mouth not seen) Well whenever we get a chance to talk to him we'll get the full story. Lets not worry about that right now. We've all got important things to take care of before we reach our optimum launch window.
[Note this dialogue continues as the camera trucks in simulating a walking point of view.]
Scene 88:
[Medium close on Vince Grant. A large fist enters from left of screen and lightly pounds Vince on the shoulder. He reacts with a jump.]
Breetai: (off screen)
So I'm not important enough to wait for? Impatient micronians!
Scene 89: [Extreme close on Dana's eye, as she screams the pupil dilates.]
Breetai: (starts off through the beginning of the pan until the camera rests on Breetai's face).
We'll just have to see about that.
[Rick and Vince turn to face a micronized Breetai who is still big, nearly eight ft. tall.]
Rick Hunter:
Vince Grant:
What the--?
Exedore: (off screen)
Breetai, you're so.. small.. Don't tell me you've been micronized yourself.
Scene 90: [Medium shot of Rick Hunter and Vince Grant. They turn and the camera pans up to reveal Breetai (now only a few inches shy of eight feet tall standing behind them).]
Scene 91:
[Reverse angle, over the shoulder shot of Breetai. Hunter and friends can be seen. Breetai reaches down.]
Jean Grant:
And your face. It looks so different.
Scene 92:
[Reverse angle matching shot. Breetai has picked up Lisa and Miriya gently. The camera pans down to ultimately reveal Dana Sterling staring up at the recently micronized Zentraedi.1
I wanted to keep it all a secret. Dr. Penn's group designed a new eye-patch for me because non-living material cannot be micronized.
Dana Sterling: (mouth not seen) Commander Breetai looks pretty big to me!
Scene 93:
[Medium shot interior docking bay. Background slide as the characters move off to get down to business. Breetai puts the girls down and they all head towards the exit bulkhead. Breetai bumps his head as he tries to enter the doorway. He laughs and stoops to walk through.1
Dr. Lang:
They are waiting for us in the briefing room. We can continue this small talk later.
Jean Grant:
Very Funny, Dr. Lang!
[Lang is the first to move towards the doorway. The rest follow.]
Scene 94:
It is good to see you again, my friend.
We have much to talk about. Be careful, these bulkhead doors were made by micronians.
Scene 95:
[Medium shot of observation room. Exedore is in foreground. He stoops over to pick up a pointer to begin his lecture. He stands and turns out of frame.]
Exedore: (He stoops over to pick up a pointer, stands, looks at the assembled group and begins to speak).
Now about Fantoma and the Robotech Masters...
Scene 96: [Exedore points to a star chart which shows the relative astronomical relationships between the planet Fantoma and its many moons. The camera trucks into the star chart. This is followed by a pan to the left to reveal Exedore in medium close-up.]
Exedore: (continuing)
This particular planet is exceedingly large--approximately the size of Jupiter. It has a unique system of polar rings similar to the planets Saturn and Neptune. Fantoma itself is uninhabited, but on one of its moons, which is able to support life, the civilization now known as the Robotech Masters evolved. As you know, they developed a science known as Robotechnology and attempted to use it to control the known universe.
Scene 97: [Medium close on Rick. Col. Wolff is in background. Rick asks about the defense system of the Robotech Masters' homeworld.]
Rick Hunter: (interrupting)
Are the Robotech Masters as big as the Zentraedi?
Scene 98: [Reverse angle on Exedore , with the Group seen in the background, Exedore says that is a good question.]
Actually they are human-sized. We Zentraedi called them micronians.
Rick Hunter:
Then why...
Scene 99: [Retain the original Tatsunoko storyboard design. Note that the only change is in the content of the dialogue and some minor staging concepts as detailed below.]
Rick Hunter:
...did they make the Zentraedi so large? It would seem stupid to make a race more powerful than the ruling party.
Scene 100: [Exedore and star chart in far right of frame.]
Originally we were created to mine ore on the planet Fantoma.
Aide #1:
So the Great Zentraedi...
[The conversation revolves around the use of military force or diplomatic confrontation. Dr. Lang dismisses the group.]
Scene 101:
Aide #1: (continuing)
Were nothing more than a bunch of oversized ditch diggers! What a laugh. On Earth we have a name for people who were born to dig ditches.
Rick Hunter: (interrupting)
The gravity on Fantoma probably dictated the size of the original Zentraedi.
Scene 102:
Aide #1: (off screen)
Meaning no disrespect, but how would you know "flyboy't?
Rick Hunter: (Trying to hold back his anger)
It's obvious. A person our size would be crushed by the gravitational forces of a planet the size of Fantoma.
Scene 103: [Background noise comes from the assembled group as they begin to talk among themselves.]
Aide #1:
So Major General has a brain to go along with all his bravado. Look, I don't care what the Zentraedi were made for, there's only a handful of them left, and by the end of this mission they'll all be history anyway. So who cares. What I want to know is why we even have them participate in these briefing sessions?
Scene 104:
Rick Hunter:
Strong words, Lieutenant.
Scene 105: [Dr Lang addresses his friends and colleagues via a telemonitor to outline his plan to get to the Homeworld of the Robotech Masters.1
Dr. Lang:
Enough bickering, gentlemen. We have much work to do and we won't get very far by arguing.
Scene 106: [The group responds with assorted "sirs," and "yes, sirs," etc.]
Dr. Lang: (off screen)
As you know, the people of Earth have elected me the leader of this expedition. And as such, it is my duty to inform you of my plans. Some among you would be happy if I sanctioned orders to go into space and annihilate out suspected enemies.
Scene 108:
Dr. Lang: (continuing)
But speaking as a scientist, we have much to learn from any alien civilization. And diplomatic solutions to the problem of the Robotech Masters must be our top priority. Unfortunately since so much time has been wasted in this briefing session I'm afraid you'll have to hear the rest of the plan over the communications system, like everybody else. Now if you will excuse me.
Scene 109 - 110: [The various characters salute and say "Sir."]
Scene 111: [No on screen dialogue.]
Scene 112:
Dr. Lang: (With a radio filter)
Greeting fellow members of the Robotech Defense Force. I have come here today to outline a plan of action.
Scene 113:
Dr. Lang: (continuing off screen)
Regrading our mission to the homeworld of the Robotech Masters. We have already begun assembling a crew to man the newly designed and rebuilt SDF-3.
Scene 114 to 115:
Dr. Lang:
Many of you have been brought to this repair station specifically to join the Robotech Expeditionary Force. In the next few days we will be selecting crew members and cadet trainees. We have no idea how long we will be on this mission far from our home planet and loved ones.
Scene 116 to 118:
Dr. Lang: (continuing off screen)
Nor do we have any idea how hostile and unreceptive the Robotech Masters will be to our call for universal peace and disarmament. What we do know is the approximate location of the planet Fantoma and the position of its inhabited moon--the Homeworld of the Robotech Masters. Other than that we know absolutely nothing.
Scene 119-127:
[All narration with non-sync walla and background dialogue.]
Scene 128:
Cabell: (off screen)
Well Rem, my boy, I certainly hope that we will learn something from this experiment.
Scene 129:
[The children of Zor ("Pollinators") are not in a glass jar but are running around the laboratory of Cabell. They are agitated by the experiment on the seed of the flower of Life which Cabell is subjecting to high levels of electricity.]
Cabell, ever since you started experimenting with the flowers of life, hoping to discover the secret of protoculture...
Scene 130: [Medium close on Rem. He is startled by the actions of the pollinators. They are jumping all over him.]
Rem: (continuing)
these infernal beasts, the ones you call "the children of Zor", have been acting as though they were possessed.
[Rem yells as the cha-cha leap for their freedom and dash wildly through the laboratory.]
Scene 131: [Long shot. The cha-cha are running through the frame being chased by Rem.]
Rem: (mouth not seen through much of this scene because of the speed of the action)
Come back here you little maniacs. When I get my hands on you...
Scene 132: [The pollinators leap over the camera.]
Scene 133: [The pollinators have been cornered by Rem who reaches into frame to pick them up.]
Rem: (off screen)
Brave little creatures aren't they. I wonder why Zor was so attached to them?
(Utilize the Tatsunoko storyboards with minor changes as indicated below.1
Scene 134: [Rem has captured the pollinators and returns them to their cage.]
If only they could talk, maybe they could help us solve the riddle of producing active energized protoculture.
Scene 135: [Cabell tells about the seed of the flowers of life, not the pollinators, in the protoculture cell.]
Rem, you are such a dreamer. The only way to learn the secrets of protoculture is to retrace Zor's steps scientifically. Are you ready?
[Rem responds off screen with "Ready" --the camera has panned away.]
Scene 136-137: [The seed of the flower of life and not the pollinators, are subjected to electric current. The pollinators reacts wildly to the experiment.]
Scene 139:
The creatures have gone mad. When you sent the current through the pods of the flowers of life they simply lost control.
Scene 140:
Rem: (continuing)
It's odd. The 'children of Zor' may be a valuable line to the secrets of protoculture.
[A siren and flashing lights cut Rem's speech short. Rem reacts to the siren and both Cabell and Rem exit the scene.]
Scene 141: [The seed disappears in the glass chamber.]
Scene 142: [The pollinators go wild, Cabell enters to see what the matter is with these small creatures.]
Cabell: (Off and then mouth not seen as he walks into frame)
It seems my young friend puts much credence in his own imagination and your scientific value. There is no time to argue with him now, but Cabell is not one to abandon the helpless. Come, my children.
[Fade to black.]
Act II
[Same as the original Tatsunoko storyboards. The only specifications would be in the elimination of any reference to the Inorganics if they appear in the various scenes. The Inorganics are an occupation force and are not used for offensive warfare. It is best to stage the Invid attack with Shocktroopers, Armored Shocktroopers and Enforcers (Gamu, Glaums, Eagers, etc.)]
Scene 167: [Interior of Cabell's laboratory. Cabell and Rem watch as debris is dislodged due to the surface fighting. There is need for a camera shake through this sequence! Rem moves towards the crystal cage holding the children of Zor (pollinators).]
Our defenses must be weakening. We must go into hiding.
But, what about the creatures?
We must take them with us, of course.
Scene 168: [Matching medium shot of Rem watching the crystal cage.]
Rem: (moving towards the "children of Zor "who are panicked in their container)
All right, my little friends, we won't let them hurt you.
Scene 169: [Close on the cage as Rem lifts it off the pedestal. The pollinators are extremely agitated at the possibility of discovery by the Invid.]
Cabell: (off screen)
I would have never thought that the Invid...
Scene 170: [Medium close on Cabell. Reverse angle. Pan down as Cabell punches a secret code into his computer complex (one of his hands should go into a bottom-light panel with fingers outstretched. The other should type the code on the keyboard).]
Cabell: (continuing)
Would ever stage a direct attack on our Homeworld. They must be desperate.
Scene 171: [Matching shot with hand on panel... a color change takes place on the panel... emergency signal.. red flashing light.]
Cabell: (off screen)
We'll be safe once we're in the catacombs.
Scene 172: [Medium close on Rem as he lifts up the crystal cage to examine the agitated little creatures. Rem responds to an explosion in the background and turns right.]
Cabell: (off screen)
There's enough provisions to last us at least a week.
A week? Are you out of your mind? These Invid are here to stay.
Scene 173: [Close on Cabell. He tells Rem to follow him. Cabell exits frame left.]
Calm down, my boy, you're upsetting our little friends. Let me carry them.
Scene 174: [Black frame. Animation allows for door to open to reveal Cabell and Rem. This is an extremely low angle shot which is shot from the point of view of a basement interior. Cabell and Rem move into the underground chamber.]
Rem: (mouth not seen, as the door opens)
Are you sure they won't find us down here?
Not unless the Invid have been learned to see through lead walls.
[Next are designed closely to the original Tatsunoko storyboards. With exceptions as noted below:]
Scene 175: (Is a matching shot to the previous scene.)
Come on, we've no time to waste.
[In scenes 175-238, no Inorganics should be used. Invid Land Cruiser and various other mecha should be incorporated. We save the introduction of the Inorganics until second episode.]
Scene 232:
The Invid have destroyed our world. We're doomed.
You are a young Robotech Master. You cannot give up hope. We are not finished yet. Have patience, my boy. We will be saved.
That's easy for you to say. You are old, you have lived your life. If the Invid find us, it is of little concern to you. But I am young. I have not yet experienced all that life has to offer. I will not succumb to the Invid.
That's the spirit!
Scene 236:
This raid is a waste of time. There is no Protoculture Factory on this world.
Scene 237:
The most we can hope to find are isolated storehouses of the protoculture matrix. And if we are lucky, information which will lead us to our precious Flowers of Life.
Scene 238:
Invid Scout: (through video monitor--not seen)
The resistance that we faced from the Robotech Masters, my Lord, was weak and uncoordinated. I fear we may be too late to reap the harvest that you felt would be on this obscure moon.
Scene 239: [Interior Regent's throne room on board the Invid Land Cruiser. Regiss enters from door in the back and approaches the Regent. She is quite angry.]
Regiss: (She begins her speech prior to entering the frame)
I have been monitoring the reports, husband, and I felt I must come down and congratulate you on yet another example of your supreme stupidity and lack of judgement.
Regent: (Turning in response to presence of the Regiss)
But, my dear...
Scene 240: [High angle matching shot as Regent and Regiss confront each other with accusations. They are pointing at each other and shouting.]
Regiss: (mouth not visible in his extreme long shot as the two begin circle each other.)
Don't try to conceal your failures from me. Don't forget we are both built from the same mold. I told you it would be fruitless to attack the Homeworld of the Robotech Masters. They are too clever to hide something as valuable as the Protoculture Factory in their own backyard.
But we have conquered another planet.
Scene 241: [The Regiss changes her attitude and has a conceited smile on her face. Her thought is that her husband has made the mistake. The camera trucks in on the Regent who throws up his arms in dismay. (This indicates as scene 242 but is actually a continuation of scene 241).]
But at what cost? Your bumbling may have cost us the information we seek.
Don't be so quick to caste blame, my dear. Wasn't it you who received that scientist who called himself Zor? Wasn't it you who said contact with alien races might give us a clue as to our evolutionary direction? And wasn't it you who did not realize that Zor was only there to steal our precious flower of life and leave us with nothing? If it wasn't for the intervention of my army shocktroopers our race might have been destroyed.
Scene 243: [Close on the Regiss who changes her attitude again to one of total anger. This is to show the chameleon-like nature of this particular Invid. She turns.]
That was a long time ago. I have learned to be as ruthless as you in the intervening years. Stirring up the past does nothing more that push me farther away from you. All your talk about power and singleness of purpose makes me laugh. You are nothing more than a petulant child. You have not taken advantage of the essence of the Invid spirit. You are nothing more than a cypher. A symbol of death and destruction for our people.
How dare you? Haven't my troops kept our civilization alive as we mounted our crusade to recapture our stolen treasure. It is our life's blood. It is our future!
Further conversation with you bores me. I am back to my room to meditate. Perhaps I will be able to detect a clue as to the whereabouts of the seeds of which we seek.
Scene 244: [A matching shot, reverse angle. The Regiss points another accusing finger at the Regent and then turns and exits. The camera trucks out to reveal the Regent (back to camera)- he turns and makes a fist in total anger. The camera pans right to focus on the Regiss who has stopped for one final remark directed toward the Regent. After she speaks she makes a dramatic sweeping exit.]
Whatever I do, I can do no worse than you, my foolhardy husband. Good-night.. .and understand that I do not wish to be disturbed...
[The Regiss turns and exits. The Regent pauses for a moment to let his wife's words sink in and then he erupts in a violent show of emotions — as he yells, his cowl puffs up like that of a cobra. His entire body shakes with anger.. an anger he tries to control.]
Scene 245: [Over the shoulder of the Regent. He calls to his wife to stop and listen to his explanation. She continues to exit the frame. In anger, his cowl puffs up much in the same way as the cobra's neck would puff up. Truck into a close upon the Regent. His entire body is flared with anger.]
Come back here you insulant slime! I am the Regent of all the Invid and no one, not even my wife, can speak to me this way... Come back, do you understand?
[Regent turns toward the camera and close his eyes]
That woman has insulted me for the last time! Prepare my barge I am going to the surface of that moon myself!
Scene 246: [Exterior capital city of Robotech Master's Homeworld. The surface of the planet is in ruin. Chaos and fire are everywhere. The Invid troop carriers fly into the scene from the background.]
Scene 247: [Close in the Invid Land Cruiser. Follow pan as the giant Invid land machine makes it way across the rubble.]
Scene 248: [A citizen runs from hiding and is shot down.]
Scene 249: [Invid shocktroopers fly over the city. Pan down to reveal buildings in rubble.]
Scene 250: [Close on a woman and her infant hiding in the ruble. She looks up.]
Scene 251: [Follow pan low angle. The Invid fly overhead, firing beams to the street below. Some beams come directly towards the camera.]
Scene 252: [Extreme close-up of mother pulling baby towards her face. Both are screaming.]
Scene 253: [Large laser effect with mother and baby seen as charred shadow.]
Scene 254: [Multi-level shot of Invid scout ships flying over city of ashes. Camera pans down over destroyed buildings and the remains of the dead. The scout ship eventually swoop into the frame and fly towards the camera.]
Scene 255: [Reverse angle as the Invid fly off. A bright orange and red air-brushed effect in the background.]
Scene 256: [Close on Invid Land Cruiser as it pulls into frame.]
Scene 257: [Invid Land Cruiser, another angle. Camera trucks in as Invid Enforcers leap from "mouth" of vehicle.]
Scene 258: [Invid Enforcers are seen flying in their special vehicles. The camera pans right to reveal the royal hall (central pyramid structure).]
Scene 259: [Royal Hall, low angle. The Enforcers rush up the stairs. The camera trucks into the top of the royal hall.]
Scene 260: [Cross dissolve and pull back from royal hall. Invid Land Cruiser can be seen on the street near the base of the pyramid.]
Scene 261: [Matching cross dissolve and pull back.]
Scene 262: [Matching cross dissolve and pull back reveals the major landscape of the moon of Fantoma. ..Fantoma can be seen in the background.]
Scene 263: [Cross dissolve and pull back to reveal Robotech Repair station.]
Scene 264: [Interior Robotech Repair station. Corridor. Rick Hunter enters from left and walks around corner.]
[Utilize existing Tatsunoko storyboards. Note that scene #264 should match #265. The dialogue should reflect the concept that they are about to engage on a trip into the unknown, etc. They are worried about the outcome but are anxious to get into action again. Vince and Rick talk about the fact that the children should not be allowed to make the journey to the Homeworld of the Robotech Masters. Rick and Lisa share a private moment...]
Scene 267:
Rick Hunter:
Sorry to disturb you Miriya. But I've been looking for Max.
Max is scheduled to evaluate a group of cadets this afternoon, Rick. But you're welcome to come in and wait for him.
Scene 268:
Rick Hunter:
That's all right. I've got some work to do, and then maybe I'll go down to the simulator and catch up with Max later.
Your work can't be so important that you're not able to take a few moments to have a cup of coffee with some friends.
Rick Hunter:
If it's all the same to you...
No. I insist...
[Note this dialogue for scene 268 should be staged as overlapping dialogue!]
Scene 269:
Lisa Hayes: (off screen)
Hello, stranger. Long time no see!
Rick Hunter:
It's bad luck to see your fiancée in her wedding dress before the wedding.
Lisa Hayes:
Don't be superstitious, silly. And besides I wasn't in my dress I was just behind it. So there!.
Scene 271:
Lisa Hayes: (saluting)
Scene 272:
Rick Hunter: (saluting)
What's this all about?
Lisa Hayes: (off screen) It's about time you realized who's in command around here, Major General Hunter. Now how about a kiss?
Scene 277:
Miriya: (Smiling to herself after she closes the door)
An admiral does need her privacy once in a while.
Scene 279:
Vince Grant:
This is a progress report from Max. He says that the selection process for the Robotech Expeditionary Force is going well. He has nearly 70% of the troops assigned. And if all goes well he will be finished by no later than Wednesday.
Scene 280:
Rick Hunter:
Sounds like everything is moving along. Our launch window should present no problem.
Vince Grant: (His expression becoming serious)
The only thing I'm worried about is Col. Edwards. Claudia told me about him. He was Roy's advisor during the global war back in 1999. I just don't trust him.
Rick Hunter:
But that was so long ago.
Scene 281:
Vince Grant:
Call it intuition, call it what ever you want.. .1 just don't trust the man. There's something about him that doesn't feel right.
Scene 282:
Rick Hunter:
Let's not worry about him right now.
Scene 283:
Vince Grant:
If you want to change the subject, we could talk about your wedding. You know that your days as a bachelor are numbered.
Rick Hunter:
Vince, you sure have a way of taking the wind out of the sails of practically everything. Have you ever thought about going into politics?
Scene 284:
Vince Grant:
Somebody's got to keep you on your toes.
Rick Hunter:
If I didn't know better I'd suspect that you were bucking for a promotion. But then you wouldn't be able to spend so much time worrying about my problems.
[They both laugh]
Scene 288:
Lisa Hayes:
A penny for your thoughts.
[Rick turns but says nothing. Lisa comes toward him.]
Scene 289:
Rick Hunter:
Lisa, I hope we're making the right decision. Leaving the Earth defenseless while we go off chasing some dream. The more I think about it the more apprehensive I get.
Scene 290:
Lisa Hayes:
The Robotech Defense Forces are strong. Uniting under the leadership of General Leonard and Roll Emerson. They'll be able to take care of things while we're gone.
Rick Hunter:
I hope so. It's just so strange. It's like we're leaving home for the very first time.
Scene 291:
Rick Hunter:
And this wedding. On the eve of the launch. It's all happening too fast.
Lisa Hayes: (off screen) What do you mean too fast.. you've had nine years to prepare for this mission. ..and our marriage.
Scene 292:
Lisa Hayes:
Oh, Rick! Our lives are just about to begin!
Scene 295:
Jack Baker: (thought filter)
A chance of a lifetime. ..a chance to get away from this God-forsaken planet and discover the secrets of the universe. I've got to make it through the selection process. I've got to become one of the troops in the Robotech Expeditionary Force.
End, Episode Three
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