The Sentinels Script
Episode 2 The Inorganics
Scene 1: [Interior Jack Baker's Alpha Fighter. Close on view screen. A computer wireframe image of another Alpha Fighter flies onto the screen. Technical readouts can be seen in various locations on the viewscreen. Camera trucks out to reveal the interior of the cockpit and combat activity through the windshield.]
Scene 2: [Medium close on Jack Baker. He is steering the Alpha Fighter. The Sensation of speed can be seen through the top of the windshield canopy.]
Jack Baker:
Baker to tower.. am turning off auto-pilot. Now!
Scene 3: [Extreme close on Jack Baker. Reflections from the view screen are reflected on the glass of Jack's face mask. (Note that the reflection will show the letters and images in reverse-a mirror image effect). Jack reacts to tower message...]
Air Traffic Controller:
Negative--cadet Baker... Negative... Remain on autopilot... Do you copy? Remain on auto-pilot!
Scene 4: [Medium close on Jack Baker full profile. Other Alpha Fighters can be seen through the canopy of Jack's fighter.1
Rick Hunter:
This is Major General Hunter. Do you read me, Baker?
Jack Baker:
Roger General.
Rick Hunter:
Then comply with that direct order from the controller. The enemy could be almost anywhere. You need to be on the computer system. Do you copy?
[Before Jack can answer, an Alpha Fighter blows up on screen and the second Alpha Fighter banks out of the frame. Now an entire barrage of flak explode in the immediate vicinity of Jack's Alpha Fighter. (This is an excellent opportunity to use a background cycle).]
Scene 5: (ref. scene 2-fighter field size) [Jack struggles to get control of his Fighter.]
Jack Baker:
Ship's out of control. Got to try to get back on the system.
Scene 6: [Close on cockpit instrument panel from Jack Baker's point of view. Background speed pan as Jack's hand enters the frame and tries to switch back to the view screen which is not set up as a target sight...]
Jack Baker: (voice over)
If I can get the ship stabilized I can concentrate on battle strategy!
Scene 7: [Pan up from cockpit. Jack's point of view. Jack's hand can be seen on the weapon system control lever. An Alpha Fighter flies overhead. Jack's Alpha fires missiles into the distance. The missiles are lost in the clouds off in the distance. The other Alpha Fighter also fires missiles. The Enemy retaliates and laser beams shoot from the distant clouds. They head for the Alpha Fighter visible through Jack's canopy.]
Scene 8: [Extreme close-up of pilot 's hand controlling "joystick."]
Scene 9: [From Jack's point of view. Alpha Fighter banks off. Flak explosions appear throughout the sky. The lasers continue to streak past Jack's fighter. Camera shake as explosions get nearer to Jack's Alpha.]
Scene 10: [Close on Jack. He is gritting his teeth. The camera shakes as the explosions continue.]
Scene 11:
[Background speed pan as the Alpha Fighter moves through an entire barrage of flak explosions. The Alpha banks towards the camera and the camera pans down to follow its movements. The Alpha continues evasive maneuvers. The explosions finally stop as Jack gets the Alpha Fighter back under his control. The camera begins to truck into a close up on Jack.]
[Dissolve to:]
Scene 12:
[Close on Jack. The background is moving past him.]
Jack Baker: (thought filter)
Wait. General Hunter's fighter is out there somewhere!
Scene 13: [Rick Hunter's smoking fighter lowers into the frame. Clouds roll past background (a big cycle). Jack's fighter ultimately rises into the scene.]
Jack Baker:
Oh no! I can't let him crash. I've got to do something!
Scene 15: [Rick's damaged plane from Jack's point of view.]
Scene 16: [Interior cockpit of Jack's fighter. Jack is struggling with the controls.]
Jack Baker:
Control.. I'm going off auto-pilot... following General Hunter's fighter ...do you copy?
Scene 17: [Fighter control viewscreen, Jack's point of view. There is much activity on the viewscreen with data and wireframe images racing across the screen.]
Rick Hunter: (voice over through radio filter)
Negative, cadet. It's too dangerous. Do you read? Negative! The enemy is still out there!
Scene 18: [Close on Jack. The data and images are reflected on his face mask.]
Rick Hunter: (continuing off/through radio filter)
Stay in formation. Repeat stay in formation.
Scene 19: [Close on Rick's fighter.. .it bursts into flames following Rick's speech (from Jack's point of view).]
Rick Hunter: (voice over)
Can't control her anymore. Am going to have to ditch her. Tell Lisa...
Scene 20: [Rick's damaged fighter banks away as clouds rise into scene. Clouds speed by. Fighter disappears into clouds.]
Scene 21: [Jack banks his fighter on screen as missiles speed towards his fighter. Jack's fighter banks away off screen as missiles fly directly toward camera and then fly under camera p.o.v...]
Scene 23: [Jack's fighter flies directly towards the camera, just before it flies into the camera the fighter banks sharply to the left. The missiles follow off screen.]
Scene 24: Close on Jack's view screen. The trajectory of the missiles can be seen as "blips" approaching the center of the screen.]
Jack Baker: (internal thought) I just can't let the General stay out there on his own.
Scene 25: [Jack reaches for the controls. Repeat of scene 2 with slightly different angle on background.]
Jack Baker: (internal thought)
Got to do something... got to go in after him!
Scene 26: [Close on Jack's hand as he reaches for the throttle. He is going to transform the fighter into Guardian mode.]
Scene 27: [Jack's fighter enters from the bottom and as it swoops away from the camera transforms into guardian mode. As Jack flies off screen, the missiles follow.]
Scene 28:
[Jack's fighter, Guardian mode, flies into scene and turns to face the on coming missiles.]
Scene 29: [Missiles fly into scene. They change direction and swoop off screen.]
Scene 30: [Follow pan. Interior of Jack's cockpit. Starting from a close-up on Jack, the camera moves quickly to close up of his arm on the trigger. Jack pulls the trigger.]
Jack Baker: (during the pan)
You won't stop me without a fight.
Scene 31: [Medium close of Jack's guardian. The background rushes past as Jack's "cannon" fires rapidly.]
Scene 32: [The destruction of the three of the four missiles which were following Jack's fighter.]
Scene 33: [Jack fires at the remaining missile which is heading directly for him. It explodes at nearly point blank range causing his fighter to be "thrown" out of the screen spinning.]
Scene 34: [Jack's fighter tumbles through the screen, spinning wildly out of control.]
Scene 35: [Interior of Jack's cockpit. He is struggling to get control of his fighter. The picture rotates rapidly.]
Jack Baker:
Can't black out. Got to hold on!
Scene 36: [Jack's point of view through the windshield of his canopy. His hands on the joystick struggle for control. Dissolve to next background. Clouds are enhanced by lighting flashes .]
Scene 37: [OL UL pan. Jack's fighter dives through storm as lighting flashes. Camera trucks into a close shot of Jack's cockpit.]
Scene 38: [Jack's point of view. Same as scene 36 with different background.]
Jack Baker: (voice over)
Finally got control. Okay, General. Here I come!
Scene 39: [Long pan across ocean. Rick's fighter slides under waves off screen. The camera ultimately reveals Rick Hunter clinging to a small rubber raft. Jack's fighter gleams in the distance and flies into the scene to hover directly over the raft.]
Jack Baker: (over P.A. speaker)
General Hunter. Are you all right?
Scene 40: [Aerial down shot over the shoulder of the Fighter in Guardian mode, Jack's fighter reaches for Rick.]
Rick Hunter: (trying to yell)
Get away from here, son. Save yourself. It's too late for me!
Scene 41: [An injured Rick Hunter is raised into the scene. Jack looks at Rick with great sadness.]
Jack Baker: (before Rick is raised into scene)
Sorry, General. But that is one order I can't obey.
Scene 42: [Reverse angle, close on Jack. A battle pod (mecha #10) emerges from the water.]
Jack Baker:
Oh no. A battle pod!
Scene 43: [Pan from Jack's fighter to mecha #10 as they raise from the water.]
Scene 44: [Repeat of scene 42. Mecha fire directly at Jack's fighter. Missiles explode at point blank range and Jack covers his face out of fear. Background goes white and then slowly color returns to background which now reveals that Jack folds has been in a simulator on test flight simulation. Jack folds his arms in disgust at being "destroyed" by the enemy.]
Technician #1: (voice over P.A. system)
Test concluded. Please exit simulator.
Scene 45: [Low angle shot as canopy of simulation fighter rises to lift Jack out. The image of the injured Rick Hunter dissolves to reveal a faceless metallic android (a male version of Janice's android design). Rick Hunter's image was merely a hologram projected onto the "robot."]
Technician #1:
Switch off hologram.... prepare simulator for next candidate.
Scene 46: [Pan up from simulator. Jack is exiting the cockpit. A control room can be seen in the distance.]
Technician #1:
Cadet Baker. Enter de-briefing room for test scores and analysis.
Scene 47:
[Interior control room. Rick and Max are talking. Camera pans from Technician #1 manipulating some controls to reveal Rick and Max.]
Max Sterling: (talks throughout the pan)
You've got to admit that Cadet's got a lot of style and.. courage!
Scene 48: [Close on Rick.]
Rick Hunter:
Foolhardiness is more like it.
Technician #1: (off screen)
Cadet Baker is in the staging area, sir.
[Dissolve to:]
Scene 49: [Rick and Max are confronting Jack with the results of his performance.]
Jack Baker:
Cadet Baker reporting as ordered, sir.
Scene 50: [Over Jack's shoulder. Rick Hunter can be seen in medium close-up.]
Rick Hunter:
Quite a show you gave us.. Baker!
Scene 51: [Reverse angle. Close on Baker. As he tries to make excuses Rick's hand enters foreground to point his mistakes.]
Jack Baker:
Well, Sir.. .I thought that this exercise was staged to determine how we'd act under fire.
Rick Hunter: (off screen)
In the first place, Cadet, you were too quick to drop from autopilot... Second, your grandstanding could have cost the lives of the entire squad. And third, you didn't even manage to rescue me.
[As Rick criticizes Jack, Jack seems to get extremely embarrassed and shameful of his performance.]
Scene 52: [Rick dismisses Jack. Jack snaps to attention. Salutes and quickly spins to march off screen right.]
Rick Hunter:
You may know how to pilot a Veritech fighter. But all your skill will do us no good if you end up dead. Dismissed, Cadet Baker.
Jack Baker: (saluting)
Scene 53: [Repeat scene 48. There is a smile beginning to emerge from Rick. Rick responds after Max is almost through with his speech.]
Max Sterling: (off screen)
Reminds me of a certain young amateur pilot I heard about named Hunter...
Rick Hunter: (on turn)
Scene 54: [Over Rick's shoulder. Max is seen in the distance, He is trying not to laugh.]
Max Sterling:
You heard me, General.
Rick Hunter: (mouth not seen)
Funny. I was just thinking the same thing.
Scene 55: [Medium close on Max Sterling.]
Max Sterling:
Maybe you should not have been so hard on him.
Scene 56: [Repeat scene 48. On Rick Hunter.]
Rick Hunter:
I was a little rough on him., but the look on his face was priceless!
(starts laughing)
Scene 57: [Medium long shot as the two friends start to laugh.]
[Dissolve to:]
Scene 58: [Lisa pulling on silk stockings. Lisa stands and dress falls into screen. The camera pans up and pulls out to reveal Lisa standing in front of a mirror in a fitting room.]
Lisa Hayes: (to herself)
Not bad for an Admiral and a veteran of an intergalactic war.
Scene 59: [Lisa poses seductively. Then reaches for her veil.]
Lisa Hayes: (to herself)
A few more days and I'll be a married woman. At last.
Scene 60: [Close on Lisa as she puts on the veil.]
Lisa Hayes: (to herself as she turns profile to the camera)
Eat your heart out Minmel.
[Dissolve to:]
Scene 61: [Interior of tailoring suite. (this is not a shop) Camera pans from Miriya Sterling and Jean Grant past nervous tailor to Bowie Grant who looks totally bored with the experience.]
She's been in that dressing room for a long time.
Lisa's waited a long time for this wedding. Let her enjoy the moment.
Scene 61: [Matching shot. Close on Bowie. He is totally bored. His mother can still be heard in the distance.]
In a few days the honeymoon'll be over and we might find ourselves in the middle of another intergalactic war.
(Hands come out of the curtain behind Bowie. They slowly reach for him and pull his hat down over his eyes).
Dana Sterling: (from behind curtain)
Gotcha Bowie!
(Bowie is caught off guard he starts to jump around swinging his fist as he yells).
Bowie Grant:
Dana! You better not try that again or I promise I won't be responsible for my actions!
Scene 62: [Close on Bowie as he struggles to remove his hat.]
Dana Sterling: (off screen)
Oh, Bowie. Don't be such a spoilsport.
Bowie Grant: (as he pulls off his hat)
Scene 63: [Matching shot. Repeat scene 61. Dana is smiling, her face can be seen peeking out from behind the curtain.]
Dana Sterling:
Now, Bowie. Admit it. That wasn't so bad, was it?
Scene 64: [Matching to single field from pan scene 60 showing Miriya, Jean and tailor.]
Lisa Hayes: (off screen) Well, what do you think?
[The two women and tailor turn and react with smiles and positive comments.]
Scene 65: [Reverse angle. Point of view of Miriya and Jean.]
Scene 66: [Reverse angle. Lisa's point of view. Focused on Miriya and Jean. Both women talk at the same time...]
I have to admit, Lisa. It was well worth the wait!
Not bad... Admiral.
Lisa Hayes: (off screen)
Do you think Rick'll like it?
Scene 67: [Close on Lisa who is waiting for an answer from someone when she reacts to the shop door being opened. She turns.]
Lisa Hayes:
Scene 68: [Pan up as Minmei enters the room.]
I hope I'm not interrupting anything. But I just got off the shuttle and I came by to see if there was anything I could do to help before the wedding.
Scene 69:
[Lisa reacts confused. Minmei enters and embraces Lisa after she has her first small speech.]
Lisa Hayes:
Oh, Minmei, what a surprise!
Minmei: (interrupting)
Oh, Lisa, you look marvelous! That dress is absolutely beautiful!
Scene 70: [Close on tailor, Dana and Bowie can be seen in the background.]
I must agree, Admiral Hayes. You look lovely.
Bowie Grant:
Maybe she should enter a beauty contest.. .or something.
[Dana jams hat down over Bowie's head again. The tailor turns reacting to all the commotion.]
Dana Sterling:
Pipe down, small fry!
Hey! Leave me alone! I'm warning you!
Tailor: (turning)
Children! Children!
Scene 71: [A crowded scene of reporters and press photographers. A multiplane shift. Camera pans across the press as strobe lights flash. At the end of the pan a hand raises a camera and snaps a picture. General crowd background noise is heard.]
Scene 72: [Slow truck in on Exedore, Dr. Lang, Col. Adams and General Leonard who are all sitting for a staged press conference. Strobe lights flash occasionally.]
Unfortunately we Zentraedi know very little about the Robotech Masters, and we have been advised to keep this knowledge classified.
[Truck dissolve to:]
Scene 73: [Pan from Exedore to Lang to Adams to Leonard as Exedore continues his speech. Multiplane shift during pan.]
Exedore: (continuing) for security reasons. There is good reason to believe that the Robotech Expeditionary Forces will not be called upon to engage the enemy in combat.
Scene 74: [Close on Adams and Leonard. Multiplane shift as the two officers listen to Exedore's speech.]
Exedore: (continuing) We are all hoping for a diplomatic solution. Even so, we are taking with us a considerable armada of Robotech weaponry.
Scene 75: [Shot from behind Exedore. He is backlit while the assembled press continued to take occasional photos.]
I take this opportunity to end the rumors that the REF will leave the Earth defenseless. At this moment the Earth has no real enemies.. and by the time that General Leonard has...
Scene 76: [Extreme close up of General Leonard. He is reacting unfavorably to what Exedore is saying. His reaction can be read in his face.]
Exedore: (continuing off screen)
managed to rebuild the Robotech Defense Force we need never fear in our ability to defend the planet against alien invaders. The Earth has entered a period of reconstruction and peace.
Scene 77: [General Leonard bolts up in reaction to what he has just heard.]
Mr. Chairman.. Ambassador. Your comments are totally irrelevant to the topic of this press conference. Your implications that the Robotech Defense Force will be a "lame duck" until the return of the REF is absurd.
Scene 79: [Leonard, Adams;Lang and Exedore can be seen on a things down. ..strobe lights flash rapidly.]
Dr. Lang:
Gentlemen, this is not the place to air our differences.
But that alien runt implied that my troops are going to get rusty.
Scene 80: [Camera slowly trucks backward to reveal the incident as viewed on a television screen. This dissolves to next shot ,which reveals that the monitor is in Col. Edwards private quarters.]
Scene 81: [Edwards quarters. He is intently watching the argument in progress.]
I made no such implication. Dr. Lang I move that we adjur--
Leonard: (interrupting)
You liar. I ought to...
Scene 82: [Reverse angle on Edwards who is concentrating on the debate. A slight smile forms on his stern face.]
Exedore: (off screen)
Mr. Chairman, Dr. Lang, if I may be permitted to have the floor.
Scene 83:
[Close on Edwards as he reaches off screen for a drink. He has now begun to laugh to himself. His hand returns with a glass which is half full. He lifts the glass to his mouth and drinks it in one swift motion.]
Exedore: (continuing off screen)
I would like to take this opportunity to stress the fact that the Robotech Masters have not engaged in actual combat for nearly six generations...
Scene 83: [Repeat of scene 80. TV monitor. Now showing close up of Exedore and Dr.Lang]
Our mission will be a success and we will all return to a new and peaceful world.
[Dissolve to:]
Scene 84: [Outer space in the vicinity of Fantoma. A multiplane shift and a pan down reveals an armada of Invid ships in orbit around the moon of Fantoma which is the homeworld of the Robotech Masters. Lights flash on dark side of the moon. The camera trucks in and then dissolves to:]
Scenes 85-96: [(Note: This is an extended action sequence in which the Invid are dealing with isolated pockets of resistance offered by Bioroids trying to defend their homeworld. The Invids completely outnumber the Bioroids, and yet these valiant warriors manage to do some damage to the Invid troops before they are destroyed...) The final scene of a burning section of the capital city of the Robotech Masters dissolve to:]
Scene 97: [Long pan past a number of Robotech Masters who are held as prisoners in a dark chamber. Fires can be seen casting a glow through the windows of this "prison." There are comments from the defeated prisoners. But no specific speeches...]
Scene 99: [Medium shot of a group of Robotech Masters.]
Prepare, my friends. Gur time has come!
Scene 102: [Close on Regent. The camera pans down as he reaches for a helpless prisoner.]
Now--you--must tell me what you know about the Invid Flower of Life.
Scene 103:
[Close on Robotech Master as the Regent's hand reaches for him. (Regent is approx. nine feet tail).]
Scene 104: [Regent raises the struggling prisoner into the scene.]
Tell me, where have you hidden your plantation?
Elder: (struggling)
I know nothing about your flowers of life.
Scene 105:
[Extreme close up on Regent's eye.]
Elder: (off screen)
And if there was a secret plantation no one would tell a useless old man like myself.
Scene 106: [The Regent discards the old man.]
These prisoners know nothing. Get rid of them and call for the Inorganics!
Enforcer: (As the Regent exits off screen right)
Yes, my lord!
Scene 112: [Elder catches the grenade thrown by the Enforcer.]
Young R.M.:
What is it, elder?
A bomb my friends. I fear our end has come.
Act II
[An Invid detachment approach their main fleet which is in orbit around the moon of Fantoma.]
[The ship carrying the Regent lands. He is greeted by an honor guard of his personal bodyguards.. .the Enforcers.]
Scene 120: [Enforcer kneeling as light from opening door of Invid craft moves across him.]
Enforcer: (with head still bowed)
My Lord, I regret to inform you that our beloved Regiss has returned to Optera.
Scene 121: [Close on Enforcer.]
She was kind enough to leave you a message.
What are you waiting for? Give me the message.
[Enforcer holds out his hand which is holding an Invid recording device (message cassette)...]
My Lord...
Scene 122: [Reverse angle. Regent grabs the message cassette.]
A message cassette, how thoughtful. Is this all she's left me?
[The Regents turns in disgust.]
Oh, never mind.
[The Regent activates the cassette.]
Regiss: (from message device on speaker filter)
I can wait no longer for you to learn what I already know.
Scene 123: [Close on the Regent as he walks along. Background slide.]
Regiss: (continuing on speaker filter)
As you must already know, I have returned to Optera. On your arrival on our Homeworld, we will discuss you recent failures and my plans to correct them.
Scene 124: [High angle long shot as Regent continues to walk out of the frame. The Enforcer who gave the message to the Regent walks after him. Then the others who remain in the scene follow.]
Scene 125: [Pan across hallway, cycle as Regent walks down hall with troops.]
How long ago has my wife left?
Less than a quarter revolution ago, my Lord.
Scene 126: [Regent followed by troops marches through scene.]
Shall I go after her?
Scene 127: [Troops walk into scene as Regent goes through door.]
Regent: (stopping just before he enters the doorway)
No.. ready the armada to return to Optera... Now leave me alone.
Scene 129: [The Regent meets with his scientists.]
Tell me what you have learned, Tesla.
Scene 130:
Invid Scientist:
I have concluded that there is nothing on this barren world for the Invid.
Scene 131: [Close on Tesla.]
There is no sign of our precious Flower of Life. And all of the prisoners are either too old to work or too inexperienced to do us any good.
Scene 132: [Regent comments and then exits off screen. The scientist bows as the Regent passes.]
Enough. Walk with me, Tesla. I have much to tell you before I leave.
Scene 133: [Scientist follows after the Regent.]
Yes, my Lord.
Scene 134: [Regent and scientist walk through Inorganic storage facility. The camera slowly pans this room to show the scope of the Invid stockpile. The two enter from the bottom of the frame and continue to walk through the storage area.]
The Regiss thinks that I am a failure. She has returned to Optera. I feel my wife will try to undermine my authority. Therefore I must go back.
Scene 135: [Medium close as they talk.Background pan cycle.)
That is why I am putting you in charge, Tesla. You will control the Inorganics and make sure that no stone is left unturned.
I am honored, my Lord.
Scene 136: [Close on Regent as he walks... background pan cycle.]
Honor is for fools. Do not mistake my intentions.
Scene 137: [The two enter the scene and walk into an elevator tube.]
The Inorganics shall be your eyes and ears.
[As they enter the tube and float up...]
Then I will sift through the rubble of this world until I find a clue to the whereabouts of our precious life's blood.
Scene 138:
They continue to rise inside the tube.
Bring me the information I require.
Scene 139: [Close up of the tube as the Regent continues to float up.]
And I shall make you the master of your own planet.
Scene 141: [Regent and scientist from low angle.]
Fail... and I will let you rot here for all eternity.
I understand, my Lord.
Good, I knew you would.
[Narration to cover the pan across the barren landscape of the Homeworld of the Robotech Masters. Fleet of the Invid troop carriers rise ominously into the scene.]
Scene 153: [Camera truck out slowly from telescreen to include the back of Cabell's head.]
It appears that our Invid friends are leaving.
Scene 154: [Close on Ca bell truck past as Rem approaches.]
After they have turned our world into a wasteland.
Scene 155: [Cabell operates console as Rem reacts to what he sees on the telescreens.]
Wait, they are coming back.
Scene 156: [Close up of screen. New pictures flash on. The computer read outs remain the same as the different pictures appear.]
Scene 157: [Close on Rem.]
Haven't they caused enough damage to our world?
Scene 158: [Truck out further to reveal larger area of scene 153.]
One can never be sure where the Invid are concerned.
Scene 160:
[Same as sc. 154 with heads of both Rem and Cabell visible.]
What is that?
Scene 162: [Repeat scene 154.]
Some sort of Invid monstrosity. And I think that...
Scene 163: [Close on telescreen as Inorganic hellcat approaches.]
Cabell: (continuing off screen)
they have spotted our remote camera.
Scene 164: [Repeat sc. 155]
We're doomed!
Cabell: (scratching his beard)
Scene 165: [Close on Cabell, still scratching his beard.]
A very unusual strategy for the Invid.
Scene 166: [Same as scene 158 with different images in the view screen. It looks like video interference.]
Those beast are not Invid. But they're still dangerous.
Scene 174: [Close on renegade Robotech Masters who have avoided detection from the Invid are watching the approaching Inorganics with electronic binoculars (Note: twin A = "Seb" Twin B = "Jerl")]
I don't believe it.
Don't believe what?
Scene 175: [Pan up from Inorganics shuffling along to the top ridge of a mountain. All seen from the point of view of Seb through the electronic binoculars (as a mask).]
Seb: (voice over)
Some kind of monsters roaming through the mountain pass.
Scene 176: [Same as scene 174.]
Maybe they are looking for us.
If they are, they're in for a surprise. Look!
Scene 187: [Two Robotech Masters look down satisfied that they have taken care of the immediate threat of the Inorganics.]
Good shot, Jerl. I think you got 'em all.
Scene 189: [Medium close on two Robotech Masters.]
Those monsters weren't so tough.
A few more battles like this and--[The two turn in response to a sound they hear behind them.]
What the--!
Scene 190: [Truck camera in on cougar as it enters the scene.]
We've had it.
Scene 192: [Cougar readies to pounce. Jerl reaches for the blaster.]
Die you monster!
Scene 193: [Jerl's death screams after Seb runs off left and the cougar attacks.]
Scene 194: [Seb leaps off cliff.]
Seb: (thought filter) Gotta think fast.
Scene 197: [Background speed pan. Seb reaches for control device on his belt to activate jet boots.]
Seb: (just prior to pulling the "ripcord")
All right you beasts.
Scene 202: [Seb leans forward breathing hard. Camera trucks into a close up of his hand and the rocks nearby begin to shake from underneath. (Dialogue starts on then ends off screen).]
Jerl. Jerl. I'll make them pay for what they've-
Scene 203: [Close on Seb. Low angle reacting to the rocks moving as seen in earlier shot.]
Scene 204: [Close on hand from Seb's point of view.]
Ahhh. . .nooooo!
Scene 206: [Seb struggles to break free of the grip of the Inorganic.]
Let me go!
Scene 207: [Seb screams .]
Scene 209: [Seb stops dumbfounded as he watches an Inorganic dig its way from under tons of rocks.]
What are you?
Scene 211: [Damaged Inorganic rises into scene. Seb is seen in background. He is terror-stricken.]
Leave me alone.
Scene 212: [Extreme close on Seb.]
Scene 218: [Close on Cabell as he ponders the telescreen. After Cabell's first sentence the camera pans slowly down to his hand pushing buttons on his control panel.]
The Invid may be gone, but they have left these.. machines in their place.
Rem: (off screen)
Machines... but they act as though they are alive.
[Note: start camera pan during Rem's speech.]
Watch the monitor, my boy.
Scene 220: [Cabell gestures and comments. Camera pans to include Rem. Focus on Cabell then rack focus on Rem.]
These things are inorganic. Therefore they must all be controlled from a central source.
What do you suggest?
Scene 221:
[repeat of scene 158 with different image in telescreen.]
Simple, Rem. We must find that source.
Scene 223: [Medium close on Rem.]
Then perhaps we will be able to stop them and free our Homeworld.
Scene 224: [Close on Rem in profile. Computer images flash on the telescreen]
Rem: (continuing)
But do you think that is possible?
Scene 225: (Extreme close up of Cabell's face. His eyes have steel determination in them.]
Anything is possible.. once.
Scene 226: (Cabell turns and comments to Rem.]
You've made a commitment to carry through with me to the end. Let us study the schematics.
[Note: Narrator concludes episode from scene 244 which should end as follows:]
On a desolate moon in a distant planetary system in a cluster of stars known as the constellation of the Southern Cross a group of valiant heroes are facing the possibility of complete genocide.. .a possibility that they will not accept without a fight.
[Fade out...]
End, Episode Two
All Rights Researved Harmony Gold the original file provided in
