The Sentinels Script
Episode 3 Wedding Day
Scene 3: [Interior of Robotech Repair ship. Robotech Research Center Observation Platform. Camera trucks in on Dr. Penn and Dr. Lang who are watching a test of Alpha Fighters.]
Dr. Penn:
These new Alpha Fighters were not designed as circus acts, Dr. Lang.
Scene 4: [Medium close on Lang and Penn. Lang turns to Penn after his small speech.]
Dr. Lang:
But this is a special occasion, wouldn't you agree?
Scene 5: [Close on Lang, from Penn's point of view.]
Dr. Lang:
It's not every day that an admiral in the RDF marries the military commander of the Robotech Expeditionary Force.
Scene 6: [Truck in past Lang and Penn to show Karen Penn flying past the giant observation window in a red Alpha Fighter]
Dr. Penn:
Well, it looks like our test pilots are in place for our little experiment.
Scene 8: [Interior Robotech Research Center. Wire frame images of Alpha Fighters are seen on CRT screen. Dr. Lang's hand enters.]
Dr. Lang: (voice over)
We've got them on the monitor.
Scene 9: [Medium shot. Dr. Lang turns towards Dr. Penn. Penn moves closer to the monitor.]
Dr. Penn: (Mouth not seen)
Do you really want to go through with this?
Dr. Lang:
Worried about your daughter?
Scene 11: [Interior of Max Sterling's Alpha Fighter. Follow pan from legs up to close on Max's face.]
Cadet Penn, prepare for close order drill on my signal.
[Split screen affect with Karen Penn's face becoming visible through a split screen wipe.]
Karen: (as the wipe is being completed)
Roger, Commander Sterling.
Scene 12: [Interior of Max's Alpha Fighter. Close on instrument panel. Max passes over a series of buttons.]
Max: (voice over)
Engage system transformation!
Scene 17: [Lang and Penn congratulate each other on a job well done... so far.]
Dr. Penn:
It seems to be working, Dr. Lang.
Dr. Lang: (smiling to himself)
The wonders of technology.
Scene 21: [Shot through Karen's canopy. Highlights on windshield animate as Karen encodes the transformation sequence into on board computer.]
Docking sequence begun... Now!
Scene 22: [Follow pan as transformation begins.]
Max: (radio filter; mouth off screen)
Roger, cadet.
Scene 28: [Close on Penn and Lang. They look pleased with themselves.]
Dr. Lang:
This maneuver will be spectacular at the wedding celebration.
Scene 30: [Exterior medium close on Karen's Alpha Fighter.]
Docking in T-minus five seconds...
Scene 31: [Refer to scene 6.]
Dr. Penn:
Isn't she coming in a bit high?
Dr. Lang:
Her docking pins are misaligned!
Scene 34: [Interior of Karen's cockpit. Background spin, suggesting that the fighter is out of control.]
Docking maneuver negative. Mayday... Mayday!
Scene 35: [Max's Alpha Fighter disengages from Karen's Beta Fighter. Follow pan.]
Hang on, Karen...
Scene 36: [Close on Dr Penn.]
Dr. Penn:
Oh my God! My daughter...
Scene 38: [From exterior of Max's fighter. Medium close on cockpit.]
Can you read me, Karen? Can you read me?
Scene 39: [Follow pan with Max's fighter.]
I will attempt to manually reposition docking pins and stabilize your fighter.
Scene 41: [From exterior. Close on Max's cockpit. Follow pan to Karen's fighter.]
Hang on, cadet...
No problem, Commander.
Scene 46: [Close on Max.]
Just a few... more... inches...
Scene 47: [W/O scene 45. Blue Fighter straightens out the docking pins on the Red fighter.]
Scene 49: [Exterior of Karen 's fighter. Close on cockpit. Karen turns her head to acknowledge Max's efforts.]
Who says chivalry is dead. Thanks, Commander.
Scene 50: [Penn is emotionally but ultimately relieved.]
Dr. Penn:
Thank heavens Sterling was out there with her.
Scene 56: [Close on Karen's fighter. Penn and Lang enter frame. Cockpit opens.]
Dr. Penn:
Karen, are you all right?
Just a little dizzy. That's all.
Scene 57: [Close on Penn. Great concern on his face.]
Dr. Penn:
You had us worried for a moment back there.
Scene 58: [Close on Karen as she removes her helmet.]
No problem. Once Commander Sterling fixed my stabilizers I was all right.
Scene 59: [Refer to scene 56. Field size is trucked out to create a wider angle on scene. Max enters as Karen begins to climb out of her fighter. Penn and Lang turn when they first hear Max's comments.]
Max: (mouth partially not seen)
Your approach was a little sloppy, cadet.
Sorry, Commander. I thought I...
[Karen starts climbing down when Max interrupts.]
Max: (interrupting)
Listen.. if you're going to be a combat pilot you've got to...
Scene 60: [Matching shot as Karen climbs down. Penn is watching his daughter descend.]
Dr. Penn:
Who says my daughter is going to be a combat pilot?
[Karen is now on the ground. Her father comes over to embrace her. Karen tries to be cool and collected as she tries to defend herself.]
I think that's my decision, father...
Scene 61:
[Close on Penn and Karen as they embrace.]
Dr. Penn:
Let's discuss this later.
Scene 62: [Truck out from close on Max (1/4 profile). Pull back to reveal Karen and Dr. Penn. They separate from their embrace.]
It may be none of my business, Dr. Penn, but Karen was extremely cool considering the circumstances.
Scene 63: [Long shot of Hanger area.]
See you later.
Scene 64: [Ref scene 60.]
Dr. Penn:
I'm sorry, Karen. ..but I forbid-
Karen: (interrupting)
Excuse me, father...
[She starts to move out of the frame. The camera begins to follow in a pan shot. Karen is stopped by Dr. Lang.]
Dr. Lang: (stopping her)
Wait a minute, Karen...
Oh, Dr. Lang!
Dr. Lang:
Right. I must say I was quite impressed!
Scene 65: [Close on Karen. Obviously happy at the change of subject.1
Oh, really!
Scene 66:
[Close on Lang, trying to flirt (a little).]
Dr. Lang:
Yes, enough to recommend you for a position as a trainee on the R.E.F. Mission to Fantoma.
Scene 67: [Karen and Dr. Lang.]
Oh.. ..... . Thanks. I really don't know what to say.
[Dr. Penn enters the frame. He is not pleased at the content of the conversation he has obviously overheard.]
Dr. Penn: (as he enters)
Lang! Aren't you overstepping your authority here?
Scene 67: [Long shot of the hangar as the trio begin walking away from the docked Alpha Fighter.]
Dr. Lang: (distant from microphone/mouth not seen)
My decisions are final. As far as the R.E.F is concerned.
Scene 70: [Jack Baker puzzled by the complex puzzle he is trying to solve on his computer terminal.]
Jack Baker: (to himself)
This Robotech stuff doesn't make sense sometimes.
[Moving as his hand (off screen) types his answer into the computer.]
Jack Baker:
Well, this is as good as anything else.
Scene 72: [Ref. scene 70. Jack reacts to the computer.]
Jack Baker:
Stupid machine!
[Jack reacts to sound of knock at his door. He gets up to answer the instant of the knock. And as he gets up...]
Jack Baker:
Now what!
Scene 73: [Jack walks into frame. Pushes button to open the door to his room and is greeted by a messenger.]
Cadet Baker?
Jack Baker:
From Major General Hunter. No reply necessary.
Scene 74: [Close on envelope (a wedding invitation).]
Jack Baker: (voice over)
Scene 76: [High angle of Jack's room. He walks into scene reading the invitation out loud. He eventually sits down.]
Jack Baker:
You are cordially invited to the...
Scene 77: [Matching shot (reverse angle).]
Jack Baker:
Marriage of Mr. Richard A. Hunter and Miss...
Scene 78: [Close on invitation... (a second sheet can be seen behind the invitation...]
Jack Baker: (voice over)
Elizabeth Hayes. Wow! what's this?
Scene 74: [Truck in to a close shot on Jack.]
Rick Hunter: (Voice over... reading his personal note)
Sorry for the rough treatment yesterday, Jack. Hope to see you later at the wedding reception, and maybe on the SDF-3.
Scene 81: [Pan with Max and Rick on the escalator.]
Max Sterling:
Getting nervous, Rick?
Rick Hunter:
Nervous about what?
[They have reached the bottom of the escalator]
Rick Hunter:
The mission or the marriage?
Max Sterling:
You tell me.
Scene 83: [Close on Rick and Max. They are walking off the escalator. They ultimately walk off screen as they talk.]
Rick Hunter:
To tell the truth, I'm more worried about the wedding.
Max Sterling:
Come on Rick. when are you going to grow up?
Rick Hunter:
What do you mean "grow up"?
Scene 84: [Jean Grant assists a doctor giving inoculations. Pan to Max and Rick who are continuing their discussion (obviously a few seconds later and then the camera follows them past the inoculation setting).]
Jean Grant:
Everybody's got to get their inoculation against space virus. It's an absolute necessity if you plan on joining the Robotech Expeditionary Force.
[As Rick and Max enter Rick notices Jean which reminds him of the past. He nods at Jean and then talks to Max.]
Rick Hunter:
You know, I've never quite gotten over Roy's death. He taught me almost everything I know about these Robotech Fighters.
Scene 84: [Rick and Max cross through the Recreation Room.]
Rick Hunter:
I'd like to return the favor to someone. If I could...
Max Sterling:
What about that Baker kid? He's got potential.
Scene 85: [They enter Rick's private quarters.]
Rick Hunter:
Jack Baker is a possibility. But didn't you detect an attitude problem with him?
Scene 86: [Close on Rick and Max.]
Max Sterling:
He's young, Rick.
Rick Hunter:
So were we.
Max Sterling:
Yeah, but we changed.
Rick Hunter:
I just hope Jack can change.
Scene 87: [Rick is standing with his back to a large space porthole. After he finishes his speech he turns to stare into the vastness of space.]
Rick Hunter:
I just don't know, Max. It's been almost ten years since we've seen action.
Scene 88: [Reverse angle as Max approaches Rick. Double exposure reflections of stars and planets in window.]
Max Sterling:
Combat flying is like riding a bike. You know that Rick. We might get a little rusty... but...
Scene 89: [Reverse angle. Double exposure of Rick's reflection in the window. Rick's eyes are closed.]
Rick Hunter:
I'm not scheduled for active combat duty, Max.
[Edwards' reflection enters scene. Rick opens his eyes after he hears Edwards' first few words.]
Col. Edwards:
Sorry to barge in unannounced like this, General...
[Rick turns to face Edwards off screen.]
Rick Hunter:
Col. Edwards:
I just thought you'd like to know about our armament modifications.
Scene 89A: [Reverse angle. Edwards and Rick. Max enters after a beat.]
Col. Edwards:
The amount of our combat mecha has been increased radically.
Max Sterling: (as he enters)
On whose authority?
Scene 89B: [Close on Edwards. There is a slight smile on his face.]
Col. Edwards:
We may not have a warm reception on Fantoma. A few extra guns might come in handy.
Scene 89C: [Medium close on Rick Hunter. He is dumbfounded by the audacity of Edward's comments.]
Rick Hunter:
You heard Commander Sterling's question. Who authorized the change in ordinance?
Scene 89D: [Edwards is still facing Rick. Following a short speech in which his mouth is not seen he turns and exits.]
Col. Edwards:
I talked things over with Dr. Lang. And he said that the new ordinance would be no problem.
Rick Hunter:
In future I'd appreciate you talking things ov-
Col. Edwards: (interrupting)
If that's all, General...
[Now turns]
Col. Edwards:
I'm sure you'll excuse me.
[He has exited but he continues to talk.]
Col. Edwards:
I'm sure you've got a lot to do before the wedding.
Scene 94:
[Close on Rem. Cabell is seen in the background.]
The activity of the Invid mecha has subsided.
Scene 95: [Reverse angle. Show Rem watching a tele-monitor. Cabell is in the extreme foreground.]
Maybe we could capture one of those smaller ones.
Scene 96: [Close on Rem who turns in response to Cabell.]
Capture one?
Scene 96A: [Long shot as Cabell approaches the cage housing the children of Zor.]
For what possible reason? You don't need any more pets.
Scene 96B: [Medium close on Cabell. He is holding a struggling little creature. It snaps at him.]
Rem: (continuing off)
You have enough on your hands with those little creatures.
Scene 96C:
[Reverse angle. Close on Cabell. He turns saying...]
The children of Zor are the key to our future.
Scene 96D: [Close on Rem. He looks almost embarrassed as Cabell continues off screen.]
Cabell: (voice over)
And knowledge about those Inorganics will ensure that we have a future.
Scene 97: [Close on Cabell. Truck in following his gesture.]
Rem...the monitor!
Scene99: [Medium shot of Cabell and Rem. Cabell is pondering the situation.]
A single robot. Perhaps an energized specimen snare?
Scene 100: [Close on Cabell.]
It may be dangerous.
Scene 101: [Reverse angle. Long shot showing Rem looking away from monitor which shows advancing hellcat.]
Now I see why you took me along.
Scene 106: [Exterior ruined city of the Robotech Masters. Close on Rem and Cabell. Cabell cautions.]
Don't use your weapon unless absolutely necessary.
[Cabell exits the frame. Rem looks after him and comments before he exits.]
Can I use it as a club?
Scene 108A: [Close on Rem and Cabell as they study the surrounding area.]
No sign of that Invid machine.
Let's split up.
[Cabell turns and begins his exit off screen into the background. Rem reacts to a loud noise, comments and runs after him.]
Wait, Cabell!
Scene 108B: [Matching shot to 108A as Cabell is joined on-screen by Rem. They are peeking out from behind the corner of a building.]
Let's not be premature, eh?
Scene 108B (continued): [Rem and Cabell react to off-screen noise...]
Rem: (mouth not seen)
See what I mean?
[Cabell speaks after an insert shot shows an Invid Enforcer on patrol.]
Then follow along, but be quiet.
Scene 110: [Background slide as Rem and Cabell continue their search. They are talking as they walk.]
We have left ourselves exposed.
Scene 113: [Cabell and Rem walk from background into foreground.]
We've got to find some shel-. ..huh?!
[They both react to off screen growl.]
Scene 115: [Cabell and Rem are panic stricken at the sight of the hellcat.]
[As they dash off screen.]
Cabell: (continuing)
It can't go after both of us at the same time.
Scene 126: [Cabell in the shadows. Removing his backpack.]
Cabell: (Thinking to himself)
Get the Energized Specimen Snare ready.
Scene 124(sic): [Ref. scene 122.]
Cabell: (thinking to himself)
Now, my friend...
Act II
Scene 140: [Long shot. Rem standing near a dark deserted rubble-strewn intersection. His back is to the camera.]
Cabell! This way!
Cabell: (bumping into Rem)
Rem: (as he is pulled off screen by Cabell)
What's wrong, Cabell?
Scene 141: [Medium shot as they fall into scene amidst rubble and debris.]
That beast.. It ripped through the energized snare!
Scene 144: [Ref. sceue 141.]
Looks like it's time to bring out the heavy artillery.
Scene 147:
[Ref. scene 141. The two get up as if to leave.]
It's only stunned. We'd better get out of here.
Cabell: (as he is exiting the frame)
They are too powerful.
Scene 150: [Rem and Cabell are running. Camera follows.)
This weapon is useless.
Cabell: (Looking backwards while Rem is speaking then forward before speaking)
I fear we are reaching the edge of town.
Scene 152: [Long shot. Rem and Cabell run up to the edge of a precipice.)
What do we do now, teacher?
Scene 153: [The two turn to face the oncoming threat.]
My suggestion is to jump.
Some suggestion...
[Turning back to the edge of the cliff.]
Cabell: (pushing Rem ahead, mouth not seen)
You first, my boy.
Scene 154:
[long shot W/O scene 152.]
Rem: (as he jumps)
Cabell: (following his young friend)
Scene 155: [Cabell bounces to the ground.]
Scene 159: [Cabell inside a Bioroid troop carrier. A hellcat is menacing him through the small canopy windshield.]
Cabell: (screaming out of fear)
Rem! Rem! Help me!
Scene 161: [Rem moving to push himself up from among the rubble and rocks.]
Cabell, where are you?
Rem: (turning)
Scene 162: [From Rem's point of view. Camera trucks in on Invid shocktrooper.]
Rem: (voice over)
An Invid ship. Perhaps I could...
Scene 163: [Rem struggles to open the hatch of the shocktrooper.]
Rem: (effort)
If I can just get inside.
Rem: (looking off screen)
Scene 165: [Ref. scene 163.]
Rem: (as the hatch pops open)
Scene 167: [Interior of Invid shock trooper. Rem falls into the pilot control area. (Check actual designs of ship for proper configuration of Rem as pilot of Shocktrooper. His position will change according to the correct relationship established by the design of the Mecha).]
If I can just figure out these controls.
[As he moves to trigger some switches or leavers.]
Here goes!
Scene 169: [The hellcat is ripping the canopy windshield apart.]
Rem! Oh my God! No! Stay away!
Scene 170: [Reverse angle as hellcat readies to attack Cabell.]
[Reacting to off screen action, turns and says...]
Scene 172: [Exterior as hellcat growls a battle cry. Cabell seen in lower portion of the frame.]
Scene 175: [Exterior of craft. Cabell seen through the broken glass.]
Cabell: (to himself)
I wonder which is the lesser of the two evils?
Scene 176:
[Rem lifts the hatch of the Shock trooper and is seen by Cabell.]
Scene 177: [Close on Rem. He is smiling.]
Care for a lift?
Scene 178: [Hold on unconscious hellcat.]
Cabell: (voiceover)
Let us bring that beast back to our laboratory.
Scene 181: [Interior of Rick's dressing room. Rick is standing in front of a mirror. He is frustrated because he is unable to properly tie his tie. Max enters.]
Having trouble, Rick?
You might say that.
Max: (as he approaches and attempts to help tie the knot)
Here. Let me show you how it's done.
Scene 182: [Close on Rick from Max's point of view.]
Max: (voice over)
There. Perfect.
Rick: (as camera pans to reveal Rick's reflection in the mirror. He is trying to put a final touch to his tie.)
Where'd you ever learn to tie one of these things? [The tie comes undone-Rick is frustrated] Oh, Never mind!
Scene 184: [Bowie runs down the aisle. He ducks into a row of seats and then sticks his head out. Dana enters and Bowie ducks out of sight. Her back is constantly to the camera...]
Bowie: (taunting)
Nyah, Nyah!
All right, Bowie. Do I have to teach you a lesson?
Scene 185: [Close on Dana. She looks for Bowie but cannot find him.]
Where'd he go?
Scene 186: [Ref scene 184. Bowie enters in the foreground, teasing Dana again.]
Bowie: (mouth not seen)
Nyah, Nyah!
[Jean Grant's hand enters and grabs Bowie's collar.]
Jean: (continuing)
Like a good little boy.
Scene 188:
[Shot of the assembled wedding guests sitting in front of the "altar". Truck back to reveal Rick peeking out at the crowd...]
Rick: (mouth partially not seen)
Looks like the whole RDF is out there.
[Camera pans with Rick as he responds to Max's initial off screen comments. Max is revealed. They are both dressed formally.]
Rick: (trying to tell an obvious lie)
Ahh. . .no.. .not really. Why?
[Rick turns away he begins to nervously play with his tie. Camera trucks in as the tie comes undone.]
Stupid tie!
Scene 189: [Camera pans across the crowd. Small snatches of conversation are heard but not from any one specifically walla. Medium close of Janice and Minmei standing in the wings.]
Minmei: (whispering)
Have any idea who is giving the bride away, Janice?
Don't know. It's a big secret.
I just thought...
[Her sentence is interrupted by the beginning of the wedding march.]
Scene 196: [Assembled guests. Edwards is in foreground. Vince and Jean Grant are behind him and to the left. Jean is sobbing. All other guests with the exception of Edwards are smiling. Edwards looks angry.]
Scene 197: [The Wedding party at the altar.]
Who is giving the bride away?
Breetai: (back to the camera)
It is my honor to give the bride away.
[Breetai leads Lisa to the Minister, and then turns and walks to his original position.]
Please approach your bride-to-be.
[Rick and Max approach the Minister Then Max walks to the opposite side of the altar flanking Breetai. Then they both exit.]
Scene 198: [Close on Rick. He is obviously happy looking off screen to his bride-to-be.]
Minister: (voice over)
We are gathered here today to join this man...
Scene 198A: [Soft edge (vaseline on lens edges). Pan up to reveal Lisa in her wedding dress.]
Minister: (voice over)
...And this woman in the bonds of matrimony. It is a special day...
Scene 199: [Wedding Party. Medium close up. Rick and Lisa's backs are to the camera.]
...which will go down in the hearts and minds of all...
Scene 200: [Pan of Rick and Lisa from Minister's point of view.]
Minister: (voice over)
...assembled here as an expression of the love and devotion felt between two very courageous people.
[Dissolve to:]
Scene 201: [Ref. scene 199 much smaller field size.]
Now, if I could have the rings.
Scene 202: [Bowie is not paying attention, preferring to try to catch Dana's eye and tease her.]
Bowie: (spitting sound)
Minister: (clearing his throat off screen)
Ahh, hmmm!
Scene 203: [Dana is sticking her tongue out at Bowie. She has also ignored the ceremony for the moment, until she remembers and straightens up.]
Pfpptttt... oh, Huh!
Scene 204: [Reverse angle of shot 201.]
If I could have the Ring?
Scene 205:
[Close on ring seated on satin pillow. Note deviation from drawing in storyboard. This should only be a wedding band. (only engagement ring has large solitaire diamond). The ring gleams.]
[Pin-hole cross filter]
Scene 206:
[Medium shot Rick and Lisa. Rick takes her hand and prepares to put the ring on her finger.]
Minister: (voice over)
Repeat after me. With this Ring.
Rick: (a little hesitant at first)
With... this... ring.
Minister: (voice over)
I thee wed.
Rick: (more confident now)
I thee wed.
Scene 208: [w/o scene 201.]
I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.
[Rick and Lisa draw close.]
Scene 215: [From behind wedding cake. Rick and Lisa are in foreground, their backs are to the camera. There is a crowd of well-wishers and photographers seen in the background.]
Photographer: (mouth not seen)
Say cheese!!!
Scene 216: [Photographer standing to one side, readies his camera for picture. From Rick and Lisa's point of view.]
Hold that pose, perfect!
Scene 221: [Dana and Bowie are hiding under a wedding table trying to take a single piece of cake away from one another.]
Dana: (angry and mildly frustrated)
Bowie, you promised. Ladies first.
Bowie: (snatching the cake back from her)
So I lied. Big deal.
Dana: (trying to snatch the cake back)
Some escort you turned out to be.
Bowie: (grabbing back the cake)
Well, if you think...
Dana: (interrupting)
Dana: (as the cake hits Bowie's face)
Scene 222: [Close on Bowie. His face is covered with cake.]
Sorry, Bowie.
Scene 223: [Close on Dana who cannot stop laughing.]
Bowie: (voice over)
I like chocolate cake. But this...
Scene 224: [Medium shot of the stage. Max, as best man in the wedding, acts as the master of ceremonies. He walks up to the microphone to introduce Janice and Minmei.]
Let's begin the entertainment this evening with Minmei and Janice.
Scene 225: [Medium close on Rick and Lisa who are smiling. Obviously enjoying themselves .]
I hope you like the song. It was a special request. A present from me to you.
Why wouldn't I?
Scene 226: [Song (probably "Together" - Stan) begins and runs through to scene 239.]
Scene 240: [Medium close on Minmei and Janice (they are facing each other).]
For our next song...
It's one of our favorites.
Scene 242: [A small crowd starts to gather around Rick and Lisa. Miriya Sterling approaches.]
Congratulations, you two lovebirds.
Scene 243: [Close as Miriya hugs Lisa. Max walks into the scene.]
Thanks so much, Miriya.
Scene 244: [Hook up to previous shot.]
Max: (shaking Rick's hand)
Feel any different yet?
Scene 245: [w/o scene 243 Miriya breaks off to join Max.]
After all, you are a married man now.
Scene 246: [Close on Max and Miriya.]
Just like Max.
Scene 247: [Minmei and Janice are talking during a break in their performance schedule. It is small talk and is immediately interrupted when Col. Wolff enters from the screen left.]
Col. Wolff:
Allow me to be one of the first to say how...
Scene 248: [Close of Minmei and Janice. Back to the camera, Wolfe enters the frame.]
Col. Wolff:
Beautiful you... (catching himself) Ah.. both sing together.
Scene 249: [Close on Janice, who takes the hint.]
If you two will excuse me, I'll get ready for our next set. [She exits.]
Scene 250: [Ref. scene 248.]
Col. Wolff:
My name is Jonathan Wolff. I'm a Colonel in the REF.
Scene 251: [Close on Minmei.]
Hello. My name is-
Scene 252: [Ref scene 248.]
Col. Wolff:
Lynn Minmei. I already know...
[Minmei notices some old friends off screen while Wolff has interrupted her. She turns and begins to leave. She stops with her back to the camera and speaks.]
Oh, excuse me. I've got to go. Thanks for the compliment. See you later.
Scene 253: [Medium long shot. Karen and Dr. Lang are having a conversation. Dr. Penn can be seen moving towards them in the background.]
So, when do we start?
Dr. Lang:
In the next few days I would assume.
Scene 255: [Close on Lang.]
Dr. Lang:
I think you'll enjoy the change of pace.
Scene 256: [Karen mesmerized by the thought of going into space gets clumsy and drops her fork.]
Scene 258: [Karen turns and begins to stoop over to pick up the fork.]
Excuse me.
Scene 259: [Jack and Karen enter the frame at approximately the same time, reaching for the fallen fork. Jack gets there first.]
Jack Baker:
I think... [they both stand up slowly] you dropped this.
Scene 260: [Medium close on Karen (over Jack's shoulder).]
Scene 261: [Medium close on Jack who is slightly embarrassed.]
Jack Baker:
Any time. [getting his composure] I'm great with hardware.
Scene 262: [Medium close as Jack turns and walks out of scene.]
Jack Baker:
See you around.
[Karen turns to her father and Dr. Lang- a slight camera pan.]
Sorry, Dr. Lang.
Scene 263:
[Close on Lang (foreground right) Penn is seen in the near background.]
Dr. Lang:
Quite all right.
Dr. Penn:
Don't you think it's getting late, Karen?
Scene 264: [Close on Karen. The back of her head is to the camera. She turns quickly to reply.]
I'm a big girl now, daddy. Remember.
Scene 266: [Close on a happy smiling Dana Sterling.]
Wouldn't it be great if someone got married every day?
[During the rest of the sequence the dialogue is great small talk. Just chatter. Very minimal on screen movements.]
Scene 269: [Medium close on Rick and Lisa. She is preparing to throw the bouquet.]
Lisa Hayes: (with much authority in her voice)
It is now my duty to toss this bouquet.
Scene 270: [Medium close shot of all the girls at the party. The main stars of the series have somehow managed to get to the front of the pack (they must know the producer).]
Lisa Hayes:
Don't be too eager to catch it if you want to stay single.
Scene 271: [Ref. scene 269.]
Lisa Hayes:
Here goes, girls.
[Minmei catches the bouquet.]
Huh?! Oh, Lisa!
Scene 275: [Ref scene 269. Lisa waves goodbye and then leaves with Rick.]
Lisa Hayes:
Good night, everyone.
Rick Hunter: (pulling her with him as he starts to leave)
Don't we have a train to catch?
Scene 276: [Ref scene 274.]
Minmei: (having second thoughts about catching the flowers)
Crowd: (not in unison)
Good Night!
Scene 279: [Reverse angle. Everyone seems happy except Minmei. They continue to wave. Minmei smells the flowers and slowly sheds a tear.]
[Fade out.]
End, Episode Three
All Rights Researved Harmony Gold the original file provided in
